COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Weaponizing news stories is more important than being completely accurate.

Thatā€™s fine, but as I said, I donā€™t buy that the tone taken by the media here is convincing anyone. And if youā€™re going to weaponize stories, youā€™d better be sure youā€™re not going to have to print humiliating corrections later, which everyone is totally going to have to do if ivermectin turns out to be useful.

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I have a feeling taking it as horse paste is likely less effective than it being delivered in a prescribed dose

Also, just because amphetamines may have a medical use, doesnt mean I should freebase meth if my doctor declines to give me a scrip for it.

And judges should not be practicing medicine from the bench.

Speaking of which:

Uhhhhā€¦ yeah no, I do not support that. Like most definitely not even on that information, but even less after reading this:

During a virtual meeting, Shapiro had asked Firlit whether she was vaccinated against COVID-19. She told him she had adverse reactions to vaccines in the past and was advised against getting the vaccine

(The judge later reversed his own order).

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The judge overstepped in that custody had nothing to do with this hearing. He changed it without the other parent asking for a change. In an actual custody dispute where one parent refuses to take a simple and reasonable step to protect the child who canā€™t be vaccinated, then Iā€™m fine with this playing a large role in the judges decision. Iā€™m not sure where I stand when the parent canā€™t be vaccinated due to a legitimate contraindication, but that simple fact makes the child less safe in that parents home.

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Huh? Social pressure is just about the only way to change peoplesā€™ minds. You sure as heck canā€™t do it with facts.


Medical heritage, not vaccine hesitancy


Right, I mean I donā€™t really believe it either, but I certainly donā€™t think itā€™s the place of a family court judge to be essentially ordering people to get vaccinated.

To give you an idea of how radical I think this is, I consider barring the unvaccinated from ICUs if they present with COVID to be a less radical idea than this.

Youā€™re not trying to convince anyone on the other side. The point is to get your side emotionally involved in the idea of looking down on the other side and seeing them as the enemy.

Make use of the anchoring effect. You want people to be anchored to the idea that anti-vaxxers are dumbasses whose opinions should only be ridiculed and never respected. Even if you have to correct yourself later, the initial opinion formation is going to dominate. Itā€™s a more powerful weapon if you give an extreme narrative and have to walk it back than if you start out with a more moderate tone.

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Yeah what if the right wing chuds start attacking the right wing media for being insufficiently right wing

Awesome the band I was going to see on 3/13/2020 that I obviously didnā€™t for obvious reasons was detained at the CA border today so I wonā€™t be seeing them on 9/1/2021 either. Iā€™m not sure who to blame exactly but yeah. Good times.

@wirelessgrinder can we get a HNH update on the China virus? Is he eating horse paste? Is he on a ventilator?

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We now know that my sonā€™s direct exposure came in his science class (7th grade). 18 of 32 kids were out today, plus the teacher. That means theyā€™re either sick or unvaccinated and isolating for the required period. Good times!


was she also advised to get vaccinated in order get her kids back?

haha, no updates as to any contraction of the virus on his end. He works remotely so I dont know how often heā€™s going to places where heā€™s likely to get exposed. He has not been vaxxed that heā€™s told anyone, i dont talk to him at all other than small chit chat at family gatherings. And I havenā€™t heard anything from anyone about him being sick.

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the judge isnā€™t ordering it. the cdc/fda did. the judge is there to arrange that the child isnā€™t exposed to a virus for which the child cannot yet be vaxxed.