COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

It will be easier to answer these questions when we get anywhere close to a sustainable place. Right now the national guard is out running hospitals and elective surgeries are cancelled and we are running at like 500K a year death run rate. So I dont yet personally how to answer these questions because we just arent anywhere close to a get back to normal place and dont really have a great view of what it will look like when we get there. I dont think we will be testing asymptomatic people for COVID forever, but now seems like an especially bad time to start changing that regime.

Reinfections should be included in Covid figures for the UK as soon as possible, scientists have said, amid warnings that up to 15% of Omicron cases could be people who have had coronavirus before.

At present, daily Covid case figures ā€“ which reflect the number of infections picked up by testing ā€“ do not include reinfections for all countries of the UK.

While figures for Wales do include multiple cases for the same person, provided the positive tests are more than 42 days apart, this is not the case for England, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

However scientists have said that with the proportion of cases that are reinfections growing, such figures should be urgently updated.

Not sure if posted yet.

CDC Recommends Pfizer Booster at 5 Months, Additional Primary Dose for Certain Immunocompromised Children


This worked, but doing a walk-in would have been better (they had to cancel the appointment I made because the wrong info would have been associated, which confused them a bit). Now I have an all-boosted family.


It certainly isnā€™t possible to slow it down by taking negative mitigation measures (mass gathering entire countries together during a raging outbreak). But I donā€™t know that Iā€™d go as far as to say that testing and isolating (or heck, even taking the most basic precautions against unchecked disease spread) is fruitless and should be avoided.

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Feeling shitty. Sore throat, runny nose and aches. One good thing about my kid going off to college is I now have a quarantine room if need be. Found some tests at CVS. 10 minutes til results


Negative, but obv still not feeling good. Gonna stay away from people and test again tomorrow if still symptomatic


The email by David Bateman, shared with FOX 13 by numerous sources, begins with the subject line ā€œGenocide.ā€

Coming in strong with the subject line

I ran this scenario past my wife just now. She said that she would not discuss the case with the caller, but would let you know if your child is a close contact of a confirmed positive case. If yours was the first call, she would invite your child to her office to find out the story, and bring in the school administration to investigate the case. Certainly, she would take down your info either way.

In her school, they did pool testing yesterday, and a bunch of pools came back positive. So thatā€™s a lot of testing (10 rapids per positive pool) and contact tracing to do over the next week. Given the Boston wastewater graphs posted earlier ITT, itā€™s unsurprising.

In my city neighborhood, people are mostly masked outdoors, and 100% masked in stores, so doing our part to alleviate the coming disaster.


Make sure you blow your nose good before swabbing. My sister (nurse) said that the quick tests are more reliable when you get to the fresh snot. (She might have said mucous idk.)


One of my nieces just tested positive for the 3rd time since this all started. She is also fully vaxxed and boosted. Itā€™s probably her 3rd different variant as the events were something like April 2020, January 2021, and yesterday. (She is rapid tested frequently because she works in senior care, and then all positives were confirmed by PCR.)


Brother in Australia pozzed alongside basically everybody he was at a new years day bush doof with. Getting crazy here.

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Thanks I will do so on the next test

Less severe though (to covid pre-vaccine, anyway)


Yeah, I like this, but the problem is that unless @spidercrab or Mrs. spidercrab is an attorney, then he will have to pay his own attorney to pursue the lawsuit, so it will cost him approximately as much as the counterparty.

Honestly, if spidercrab set up a gofundme to go after this asshole, Iā€™d chip in plenty.

This is one reason why being an attorney is great. You can really fuck with people, and it mostly just costs you time.

If you donā€™t care about winning any reasonably educated person can figure out how to file a lawsuit in state court. You donā€™t need an attorney. Even federal court isnā€™t that complicated.

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Sure you can file a lawsuit, but can you make it as painful as possible? Thatā€™s what you need a pro for.

Also there is a time value component to consider. Iā€™m pretty sure that given the amount of time it would take me, I would just come out ahead in terms of time spent if I just paid for it. As I get older, time is worth more than money. I guess if I retired and the kids were out of the house, then Iā€™d be tempted to go HAM on my own.

How about for clear reasons?

I saw a few stories of dudes (itā€™s always males) who were getting 20+ jabs in order to get whatever free gift (often cash) that was being given away to incentivize people to get vaxxed.

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