COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I think it is pretty clear that it is less
severe than delta, but even with delta the anecdotes from a relatively young/healthy/vaxxed population are gonna be yeah that initial illness wasn’t that bad

Also second that, may be able to find them cheaper elsewhere but feel good about getting non bogus masks and their customer service has been very good.

Not sure if they have kids masks, if they don’t vida masks should have kid kn95

RE: Clovis how to behave thing.

I’ve basically been thinking that whatever you view as riskier stuff, say going to a Movie that requires masking, I would just make sure to spread out each time you do something. Like go to the movie, wait at least a week before doing anything riskier to allow some time to feel some symptoms and be able to isolate. Should also get you through a portion of when you are most transmissible if you do catch it, but don’t realize it yet/asymptomatic.

Somewhat of a middle ground that can help keep the spread from going off if you keep going out back to back, but obviously not gonna be perfect.

We don’t give a shit about getting back in the restaurants so I’m not even sure what this would be for me outside of random invitations to things, but the Movie thing probably because I value going to the movies a lot. I don’t value them so much to go to packed opening night shows, but I will go to them a while after they open during the day when I may be one of maybe 10 people.

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“Hospitalizations” definitely don’t mean the same thing they did in previous waves, for example they have doubled in London in the last two weeks but ventilator usage is only up 3%. Even factoring in lag there’s obviously a huge difference. I don’t know if that is “hospitalizations with” vs “hospitalizations for” or just straight up less progression to severe disease, probably both.

Omicron requires an overhaul of our intuitions about what covid numbers mean. I think people are internalizing that wrt case numbers but maybe not other numbers so much yet.


You have mild covid symptoms and are getting on an international flight untested? Do I have that right?

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Most of the time hospitalized numbers are presented it is the total population currently hospitalized, right?

We’d expect it to decline pretty quickly if it were lots of people with broken bones or random issues also “with Covid,” I would think. They get treated for their conditions and released ASAP.

Nah. I think it was allergies. I had it last night before sleep and I have nothing now.

Thought of it being COVID was me going into anxiety mode and looking stuff up on webmd

Ya we totally intend to do this kind of stuff. We are going to limit our activity and I won’t be visiting my dad for a bit or my friend who has an autoimmune issue. I just can’t do a lockdown like last time. That involved basically not leaving the house for months.

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It was easier to justify locking oneself down when there appeared to be an end in sight. But now there appears to be no plan and thus no end. A commitment to a lockdown without a plan to accomplish some goal is indefinite self-imprisonment. I don’t blame anybody for not doing that.


What’s the swinging situation these days? Have they just voluntarily shut it down since COVID started? Or are the more lax ones YOLOing it up with testing and vaxxes.

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I haven’t had sex with anyone but my girlfriend since dec 2019. My previous longest time was like a month!

Swinging is basically dead right now. There are some people still involved but way smaller scale and mostly idiots.


I also wonder if it counts on the hospital stats when someone shows up at the ER with a mild case, and is sent home.

Most counting stats that I’ve seen are admissions.

If you live in a western country, especially USA, I really wouldn’t worry about being forced into a hard lockdown. The kind of situation that would force a 2020 level lockdown at this point would have to be so so dire that that vast majority of this thread would be voluntarily in lockdown already. It is not going to happen due to Omicron.

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Clovis was talking about not leaving the house for months lockdown, so that’s what I was responding to.

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Apparently, while I was on vacation in Florida, a reg came into my room back home while feeling sick, left, and called later that day to tell the room to tell them he pozzed. Now a quarter of the dealers are out.

Even “not leaving the house” is ambiguous. Once you start getting into the details, you find that they weren’t counting stuff like walking the dog, going to work, getting groceries, etc. But unprompted, they’ll claim that they “didn’t leave the house” for a month (or whatever). Others use the term more literally.

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Being inside an enclosed structure for any length of time was your first mistake…

I get the feeling there’s gonna be a major dealer shortage in the next month…

When I think “lockdown”, I’m thinking April 2020.

We’re not ever doing that again.