COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

She’s also not a hcw. These things vary state to state, but 17 year olds can consent in a lot of places in certain situations.

Sure, but Oster’s sudden interest is not an honest interest.

  1. It’s OK for EO to start with a couple of strikes against re:motive. She’s earned it.

  2. “With Covid” is a buzzword with a bias attached. I don’t automatically know her intent but see 1.

  3. Claiming to be unaware is odd. EO has been discussed quite throughly.

  4. Kids mysteriously having a sharp hospitalization rise and then blaming “with Covid” instead of “for Covid” does and should have a barrier to clear for belief. If the total hospitalizetion numbers are the same and the percent testing poz goes up that’s one thing. But when the total number hospitalized AND “with Covid” both spike that’s altogether suspicious that Covid is at minimum an underlying cause if not the real reason.


Here’s a crazy thought: she could research economics!



Do you think she’s going to take some random datapoints that don’t mean anything and then try to contort them into some big narrative that vindicates one of her idées fixes? That would be really bad! I hope Emily Oster doesn’t do that!


The real irony here is that you’re trying to accuse me of this, and it’s oster who did this.

I may very well be. But the symptoms are so mild that it barely registers as a cold to me.

I mean if I have covid, then this is the least sick I’ve ever been while still technically being sick.

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Aren’t you about to get tested for travel soon. Or has that already happened?

Good source to buy quality KN95 masks?

“monicron” when buying a lottery ticket

Here ya go, this is how I remember


In my case, people who are boosted and have a legal right to enter their country do not have to get tested before or after travel. I’ll still be getting tested upon arrival though. It’s free, quick and there are a crazy amount of available appointments. Just have to walk in.

If only America were the same. You know free/subsidized tests for all.

But how could we pay for that?

You can buy N95s at hardware stores.

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Probably not the best idea flying during a pandemic…

Nearly 4,400 flights around the world were cancelled on Saturday, more than 2,500 of them in the US, air traffic site FlightAware reported.

Airlines have been struggling with staffing problems with crew quarantining after contracting Covid.

Odds look good that NY State will hit 100k cases in a day at some point this month.

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I will always wonder what our case counts were in late March/Early April. We’ll never know.

I think a careful analysis of excess deaths and the mortality rate of the earlier strain could give a reasonable ballpark estimate

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