COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Anecdotally, PoCs in my neighborhood seen to be an order of magnitude more willing to mask up than white people. idk if they’re taking things more seriously or if they just feel increased pressure to follow the rules.

You’re still going to deal with Simpson’s paradox at the rate Canada is vaccinated. If Canada’s super vaccinated population is competing with a very small unvaccinated population with a much higher burden of disease before the omicron outbreak, you could easily get this exact result before you even get into vaccinated testing more type stuff. That would be entirely consistent with a perfectly well functioning vaccine.

I’ve noticed that trend when I’ve gone to Vegas.

Yeah, I think boosted immunity against catching Omicron takes a hit for sure. I think it is more than academic though, pre Omicron there was a growing consensus this should be a three shot regime. Yeah the initial delay between dosage might have had an effect on waning, but and Im more cautious than I was pre boost with delta right now, but I still think we are going to see meaningful protection against contraction from a third shot. Dont think you can likely chill in your house with an infected person or on a nuclear sub and avoid catching it, but I think you are going to be have a lower chance catching this out running errands in a surgical mask when boosted. 70% or w/e protection against symptomatic COVID but close to no VE against catching COVID seems sort of unlikely, but we’ll have to see as the data rolls in.

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I think it is a well functioning vaccine, just not going to really do much against catching Omicron if you have two doses and are doing high risk activities when like ten percent of the community has COVID

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Seems the same here for me anecdotally, though here like half the ypipo drive LX570s with Let’s Go Brandon bumper stickers

Estimates a R0 of 10.

If, and stress if, that’s true. It’s going to spread and there’s nothing that can be done to prevent that.

The what?

white people

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If you are like the rest of America and are trying to find at home tests that are in stock, this site tracks who has them. Great system we have here in the greatest country in the world.

Chess seems like the easiest sport ever to socially distance? Just have the players on opposite ends of a large, ventilated room, FFS.

I think it’s a blitz style tournament.

My wife, triple-pfizered tested positive on an antigen test last Friday night. Had a really bad sore throat and some exhaustion that resolved in about a day or so. Some lingering coughing. Never any fever or other symptoms. I’m triple moderna and massively exposed to her. I have consistently tested negative on the antigen test and have had no symptoms other than one night I felt slightly tired and dizzy, but that could have just been exhaustion. I feel like I’m pretty close to in the clear here given how long and how consistently I’ve been exposed to her. I think she got it from my 2 year old who was in quarantine for a covid exposure and seemed to be feeling unwell for about 2 days but had no real symptoms and never tested positive (although we were using an antigen test and I’m not even sure those really work for 2 year olds since it’s such a small sample). My double-vaxxed (pfizer) 6 year also has not developed any symptoms or tested positive despite similar massive exposure (despite our best efforts at isolation). Moderna triple-shot for the win?

I should add that we both got our boosters on basically the first day it was authorized, so since Pfizer was authorized first, she is further from her booster shot then I am from mine.


Oh good I hope the blitz guys all pozz themselves.

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That seems extremely bullish for the efficacy of the vaccine even on getting infected vs. no vaccine.

That’s true but, on a societal level, absent lockdowns that aren’t happening it is hard to see how this doesn’t just infect most people this wave.

Not sure society has yet processed what an endemic SARS virus with waning immunity and a 10 R0 means for what the future looks like. Spoiler, those masks are permanent people were kinda correct.

It’s optimal, imo

Maybe. My very oversimplified thinking is based on two things:

  1. Mixing maybe better than same one
  2. Moderna probably better than pfizer

I’m not sure there is good evidence to show this, but in your spot that is what I’d do for sure.

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