COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Also, Johnny, I posted this tweet before:

We have absolutely had posted ITT evidence of boosters reducing the overall risk of infection.

There is no one in the administration who can properly address this crisis because it is a hodgepodge of psychopaths whose single goal was to make sure that Bernie Sanders didnā€™t peel off one iota of power from that of capital


Ugh this makes me so uneasy, as I get ready to head in to work because I got to pay for those student loans. Iā€™m vaxxed, boosted, masked everywhere, and still treating covid like the serious threat it is while watching the vast majority of people party it up. Iā€™m going to be pretty pissed when I catch this. Hope your MIL has an easy go of it.

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So far just cold-like symptoms, though Iā€™m a little nervous because she is moderately old and a lifelong heavy smoker.


Lay off the incessant bickering.


What lead you to this conclusion?

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Delta severity estimates Vs alpha and omicron estimates Vs delta. Still a lot of uncertainty in all of it.

Do you happen to have any handy links?

Its a good thing Omicron is not as lethal (apparently) as the original or the world would be genuinely fucked. Incidentally, Iā€™ve had cold symptoms since last Wednesday. Have been isolating but not willing to jump through hoops to get tested. Finally feels like I turned the corner today, and it feels like the duration of this may be sliightly shorter than a normal cold. Iā€™m going to see if I can buy a test or get one tomorrow when I hit the pharmacy drive-through for a prescription.


If I understand LetsGambool correctly, Omicron is probably more lethal than Alpha (i.e., the original).

This would have delta double hospitalization rate of alpha, although I wouldnā€™t take it as gospel. Iā€™m skeptical we are going to find omicron half a severe as delta like for like when we have more months of data. Lot of uncertainty still, severity has been harder to get a handle on than transmissibility, and this is all fog of war.

The broader point is that I donā€™t really see this as a mutation to a less severe strain as much as a less severe lineage developing transmission advantages and immune evasion properties over delta and if I had to bet what ā€œOmicron plusā€ might look like I donā€™t really think Iā€™d bet the less severe side.

EDIT: alpha isnā€™t the original strain I donā€™t think, it is an early/first variant.

Alpha is not the original, itā€™s the UK variant.

Yeah, youā€™re right. Sorry I forgot about that.

Thanks for the link. Iā€™ll read it later today.

It is just one study wouldnā€™t take it as gospel. Have seen other lower numbers.

My WAG right now is that Omicron will eventually be thought of as a pandemic-within-a-pandemic, and the (plausibly) weak immunity it confers against Delta (or Delta+, god forbid) will cause Delta to slow burn in unvaxxed populations for a much longer time.

Had to explain to my mom today that I didnā€™t want to go hang out at the house two of my aunts share, one of whom is sick but hasnā€™t gotten tested yet. Mom looked at me like I was trying to explain quantum mechanics, and I am now the bad guy.

Now my mom and stepdad arenā€™t home. Just out there wilding in the streets. Probably over at my stepdadā€™s exā€™s house - the site of multiple pozzings.

Yes we take covid very seriously, unless it impinges on any social occasion in any tiny way, and then weā€™re not sure what covid even means. How do you say that again - coh - vid? Nope never heard of it.


Sister and her boyfriend tested negative! Time to visit them!



I will admit @ggoreo, this thread is far more tolerable with funny hats