COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Asked and answered. The entire argument of which method of persuasion (meanness or niceness) is better is a false dichotomy.

Not it’s happy

Fuck these people

There is space between claiming it’s good that his mom died, and telling this person directly that his choice to be unvaccinated is an unacceptable choice. I’m not suggesting you shank the guy because his action is unacceptable, but if you’re looking for an actual route through to getting these people vaccinated that route is widespread agreement that voluntary unvaccination is well and truly unacceptable followed by policy to make it happen by force if necessary. Note that telling a person face to face that an action of theirs is unacceptable is also not inconsistent with having empathy for them.

In the US, Anthony Fauci , chief medical advisor to the president, said on Wednesday that large gatherings of over 40 people during the holiday season are unsafe, even if you’re vaccinated and boosted.

“There are many of these parties that have 30, 40, 50 people in which you do not know the vaccination status of individuals. Those are the kind of functions in the context of Omicron that you do not want to go to,” Fauci said at a White House briefing.

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that escalated quickly dot jpeg

[NSW Premier] Mr Perrottet is refusing to bring back mask mandates

But he said bringing back venue check-ins would help contact tracers and allow people to know whether they had visited an exposure site.

lol is this guy for real. Dude you have 6K cases today. “Exposure sites” lol.


It isn’t really nor did I ever say it was a terrible insult. We disagree on far less than we agree on anyways. Believe it or not I have listened to you and you even managed to change my mind on some things. I think in total UP has been very cautious/good with Covid. Perfect? Of course not.

All I’m saying is it seems odd to say we shouldn’t shame/use negative reinforcement on deplorables while simultaneously trying to use it on people in this community like Clovis/me/90% of the forum who has been to vegas/traveled since getting boosted. I mean definitely definitely do not go to the travel thread or the vegas thread if you want to find out just how many dirty anti-vaxx adjacent people there are here!

On the topic of persuading deplorables I have a ton of experience with it as most of my family and people I grew up with are deplorable. About the only thing I have ever seen work was stuff like telling my parents I wasn’t going to see them again until they were vaxed. They got vaxed and possibly wouldn’t have otherwise. Shaming in some macro sense through the media or social media I completely agree doesn’t work. But I’m also not sure anything does in those situations.


I’ve travelling for Christmas thru New Years. I know I shouldn’t, but the sanity of my daughter and the stability of my marriage/family basically demands it. Shitty timing though. Hopefully being fully up to speed with CDC recommendations will mitigate the worst of it if it comes to that. We will also only be visiting 4 people who are also up to speed fully, so it’s more the traveling through airports that I’m worried about. (We get to start in Boston and then change flights in DC! Good things those cities aren’t exploding with cases!)


Since we have butted heads on the travel thing let me just say that I don’t really disagree with you that it increases my risk and the risk to the people around me by traveling. I think we just disagree on what the acceptable threshold is and probably on how much additional risk I am creating. It’s making an excuse to some extent but I don’t think we ever really get out of roughly our current Covid predicament and as such I have made some different choices regarding my risk tolerance than I did pre-vaccine when there seemed to be somewhat of an end date to the pandemic. I’ve tried to do it as safely as possible and followed all applicable rules/guidelines.

That being said when things are going as badly as they seem to be now I am still limiting behavior. I was supposed to go to a holiday party tonight and canceled for the obvious reasons. I am supposed to be visiting family for a couple days around Christmas and I might not with the way things are going. So I still am not in the let it rip category either.

Obviously meant to be a continuation to @JohnnyTruant

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If these morons just shut the fuck up the vitriol wouldn’t be there. It’s the aggressively idiotic, highly vocal nature of a particular brand of antivax asshole that absolutely deserves scorn and public shame.


I for sure don’t think people should do this, either, and I never would.

The Canada advisory the best I can read from their gov site says:

“The decision to travel is your choice and you are responsible for your personal safety abroad. We take the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provide credible and timely information in our Travel Advice to enable you to make well-informed decisions regarding your travel abroad.”

The US recommendations are:

“If you’re fully vaccinated and not experiencing any COVID symptoms, mask up and off you go. Anthony Fauci and other public-health figures, while urging caution with Omicron, have been reluctant to tell people to stay home.”

But Fauci did say this very recently. Not sure if this is shaming the unvaxxed or not.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top US expert on infectious disease, has urged Americans to disinvite unvaccinated people from Christmas gatherings as the fast-spreading COVID-19 Omicron variant fuels a surge in infections nationwide.
‘We’re dealing with a serious enough situation now that if there’s an unvaccinated person, I would say, ‘I’m very sorry, but not this time. Maybe another time when this is all over,’’ said Fauci in an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday night.

One thing I have wondered about is the re-infection rate with Omicron. Is there any data which tells us how frequently people are catching their 2nd case of Covid amongst the unvaxxed? My partners parents had it in August for like a month fairly bad. I realize it is probably somewhat unknowable but I have been wondering how much immunity from Omicron they likely have?

Unvaxxed, and only a case back in August? I’d hypothesize they have almost no protection against infection. Not sure about hospitalization or death.

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I think what you say about a device that allows self comfort hits the nail on the head. I will fully admit I could have done more over the last 9 months to reduce exposure even though I was doing a lot compared to most. So the whole well it’s all the anti-vaxxers fault is somewhat of a mechanism to avoid any blame I may deserve. And yes a huge percentage of the problems we still face with Covid are the anti-maskers, the anti-vaxxers and the people taking zero precautions. But not all

Let me also sincerely say that I am sorry you have been through what you have with Covid. I wish things had been different. I have wished as a country and world we handled it differently from the start. I can relate to losing friends and family during the pandemic. I can relate to having a career impacted by it. It all really sucks and I am sorry you have experienced what you have. If you told me we would be almost 2 years into the pandemic with 1000+ dying a day in the US and seemingly no one caring I would not have believed you. Covid has deeply shaken my belief in humanity. It has shaken any belief i had that there are some grand political solutions to anything ever coming. It has been truly odd going to other countries and realizing immediately they are taking it seriously and actively trying to not kill each other. Then you get back to the US and literally almost no one gives a shit especially in Oklahoma. It’s driven me completely insane and made me hate people more than I already did.


Yes, unvaxxed still. They got that sweet sweet regeneron on their first go through.

Yeah, that is from the same page I copied what I pasted. I guess visiting your family you haven’t seen doesn’t hit the requirements for “essential travel” but also not listed in what is “non-essential travel”. He’s not going to hit the bars afaik. :man_shrugging:


Now what? Other than a dry cough, I feel nothing. Both of my parents tested positive as well which makes sense because I’ve been helping them prep for Xmas for the past ~week.