COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Not really seeing any evidence of holiday plans being dashed in my neck of the woods.

Huh. Trump is already the id-monster of the Republican Party/base. So now the monster created a new monster?

Hamilton and Aladdin postponing shows on broadway due to breakthrough cases.

Iā€™m going to the orange bowl dammit

  • The Omicron variant of the coronavirus is spreading faster than the Delta variant and is causing infections in people already vaccinated or who have recovered from the Covid disease, the head of the World Health Organization said on Monday.

Havenā€™t we known this about Omicron since, like, the first day anyone has been talking about Omicron. Isnā€™t it why weā€™ve all heard of Omicron in the first place?

Weā€™ve suspected this from early reports that the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION has now considered in their fullnessā€¦and confirmed the aforementioned to be now substantiated with evidence that cannot be refuted. So, no we didnā€™t know this from the first time Omicron was mentioned, we may have speculated 7 days after it was first mentioned

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No, it wasnā€™t initially clear that it was spreading that much faster than delta, and even when it looked like it was faster than delta in South Africa, it wasnā€™t clear it would out compete delta where delta was reasonably abundant (delta was quite low when SA found Omicron).


Thank you both, thatā€™s helpful.

FTR, itā€™s now spreading rapidly, and it is outcompeting delta, which is pretty terrible news, but weā€™re awaiting more news on disease severity and various levels of vaccine protection for the many combinations and numbers of vaccines that are out there now in actual people instead of in vitro studies. The in vitro studies suggest that 3 exposures (whether 3 shots or 2 shots and a prior infection) should offer quite a bit of protection, perhaps in the ballpark of 2 shots against delta.


Time to break out the tables again for New York statewide numbers:

Date Persons Tested Positive Tests Positivity Rate
13-Dec 142,965 8,266 5.8
14-Dec 232,509 12,944 5.6
15-Dec 277,956 18,276 6.6
16-Dec 263,536 21,027 8.0
17-Dec 290,930 21,908 7.5
18-Dec 267,422 22,478 8.4
19-Dec 258,612 23,391 9.0

NYC numbers alone are pretty insane:

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I was surprised to see that nyc was basically all delta in their latest data available (week of dec 4th, not sure if thatā€™s the beginning or end)

Whoops forgot the link

NYC Mayor-elect Adams: ā€œI want this [Omicron] crisis.ā€

Thatā€™s largely consistent with the CDC data for the week of 12/4, but, uh, things change fast:

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Wife tested positive this morning. So far she has mild symptoms: sore throat, congestion, and very mild fever (under 100). We are both healthy, double vaxxed and boosted, so I expect (hope) this to be fairly mild.

I didnā€™t test myself as I could only get one box of the Binax tests, but so far I have no symptoms to speak of. I am trying to be careful with contact and isolation, but I can only do so much of that at home.

This will mess with our Xmas family plans, but all things considered this is actually good timing with both of us having time off work for a couple of weeks.


Boston a little late for this kind of stuff

After seeing a story about a school going to virtual learning after a gun was found on campus, Iā€™m wondering if any parents are thinking about planting guns in an attempt to shut down schools that arenā€™t being shut down due to COVID.

Do these data seem really suspect to anyone else?

Like, 96% of new Covid cases in the PNW are now Omicron, yet Covid caseloads in these states are declining over this time period?

exponential growth of omicron combined with exponential decay of delta can produce some weird results in the interim.