COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron


My wife and I decided to keep our kids out of school this week. Case counts are pretty crazy, and the main concern is for my son who isn’t vaccinated now but will be able to receive his first shot over holiday break.


It’s a secret plan, you need to elect more Dems then they’ll tell us the plan.


Starting in January, it’ll be 5 months in the Czech Republic.

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I’m not sure about this. It’s pretty reasonable to speculate that the linkage between myocarditis and Moderna has to do with the higher dosage, so doubling up on the dosage for the booster likely has some real risk attached to it. And the reduced dosage seems to work just fine (as far as we know so far), so benefit is very unclear.

Fair enough.

This seems like a wildly irresponsible post. We are encroaching on the rogue medical advice line here.

Fair enough.

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That’s a fast peak. Motherfucker was only discovered 3.5 weeks ago.

Same source as above. NYC is highly vaccinated.

I saw that blurb as well, but I think it’s premature for NYC. Hospitalizations are definitely rising. The increase isn’t as steep as for cases, but we need to wait to see how things will play out because there is a lag between detection and hospitalization.

Never ceases to amaze me that 250 years ago people were fine with taking a smallpox vaccine that had like a 5 percent mortality rate but today people are balking at taking a vaccine that has like a .0000000001 percent mortality rate.

Ontario government opened up booster appointments for 18+ last night at 10pm after publicizing that they’d be available this morning at 8, so all the slots got snapped up before I woke up and I got shut out :rage:

At least my wife snagged an appointment for herself for today after getting on several pharmacy wait lists, so that’s something.

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I think there would be less vaccine hesitancy if COVID was more like smallpox. It’s easy to deny the existence of something that just gives people what seems like a really bad cold but much harder to deny someone being covered in bumps. Also with smallpox you probably knew of people who had died from it at some point, including your own family, so it was known to be a serious threat.

Plus a lot of the vaccine hesitant are right wingers who tend as a group to not care about anything until it affects them personally, so if no one you know has gotten COVID or if they only had a mild case it just further reinforces your belief that this is no big deal and it’s being exaggerated by the Libs to make Godemperor Donald look bad. Even if you look at our first thread here about it COVID was mostly not seen as all that serious of an issue until it was found outside of Wuhan, although in our defense that was because we were expecting it to be like the original SARS that burned itself out fairly quickly.


Man, if only there were a way to, instead of generating a single antibody and thus risking total failure in response to a single mutation, we could generate shitloads of different antibodies that could be redundant against many mutations. And maybe, maybe instead of just giving people the one antibody after they get sick, we could have people walking around with the big assortment of antibodies in their blood all the time, or at least able to be generated on demand. Wouldn’t that be a miracle? But it sounds too advanced for modern medicine.


This is a good post by Emily Oster about vaccine side effects for kids. What I liked about it was that she actually dives into the (self-reported) VAERS database that so many anti-vaxxers cite, and attempts to distinguish actual adverse events from noise.

Short story: 3,198 reported adverse events relative to an estimated vaccinated base of about 5-6 million, which would yield a rate of 1 in 2,100.

Of those, 915 are observations where the “adverse event” was that the kid got the vaccine before they were eligible. That is, an 11 year old was given the vaccine after the parents lied that they were older (and eligible as part of the 12 and older group). That’s it - the lie itself was the adverse event.

She goes on to estimate the number of adverse effects that were administrative rather than medical (e.g., the vaccine record was created incorrectly) or where the side effects were minor and consistent with the flue vaccine. She ends up with only 42 hospitalizations, most of which appear to be incidental to the vaccine (e.g., appendicitis).

Nothing new for those who already believe the vaccines are overwhelmingly safe, but it’s good ammunition against people who cite the VAERS database in bad faith.


The website wasn’t open until 8 am this morning. I was able to get an appointment for a booster, but until a couple of weeks from now.

I’m more or less able to stay at home and limit my exposures but their timing is really bad. They’re basically going to end up with a huge number of the population getting their vaccines 2 weeks after the Xmas super spreader events and then two more weeks after that we’ll see some real benefits of booster shots. So January is going to be YOLO time for Omicron, everyone’s gonna get it.

Most of these website seem to release rolling availability based on cancellations (at least the American ones did). Try stalking it and constantly refreshing to get an earlier appointment.

In MB my local pharmacy doesn’t even need appointments they said they had so many shots v demand.

We have an official Ontario government website that is more direct - you log in with all your provincial health card data and book an appointment. There is at least one separate site that is run by volunteers that tries to provide better real time information on availability at specific locations, including vacancies from cancellations and information on pop ups and mobile vaccination sites. So for every shot, I’ve booked the guaranteed shot and then combed the live website for updates. But I’ve never found an opportunity to move up from my booked appointment.

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I’ve been largely skimming this thread lately, so apologies if this has been mentioned, but Maryland has not reported new cases or deaths since 12/4. They’re claiming it was due to a hack of the health department’s servers. No indication of why they can’t just like… tweet out the case numbers or do press releases each day.

Our hospitals are nearing capacity, schools are shutting down athletics and extracurriculars due to positive cases among students, and we are flying completely blind on statewide data. Meanwhile, the governor is going on the Sunday shows saying it’s outrageous to consider returning to virtual learning for public schools.