COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Do you guys have me confused with someone else or something? Rhetorical question, please please please don’t actually respond.

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I think I got the right guy

That’s what We’re all going for. Intentional or not.

Fair point.

No, you didn’t post that the AZ vaccine was now worthless. Sorry for not respecting the request in your second sentence, however I am legitimately appreciative of posters who post content like what you posted.

Everyone looking for simple answers. Viruses and the immune response are incredibly complex systems. We have been in a battle for eons and will be for eons more.

We can eliminate most severe outcomes. The vaccines in such short order is a miracle of modern science.

Maybe if we make clear that for every vaccine refused, that dose goes to a brown person in a shithole country who will eventually come to tbe USA and take your jerb. Maybe that would be motivational.


Oh, I thought you meant to respond to someone who was arguing that two-dose vaccines didn’t offer “continued benefit towards serious illness.” My mistake.

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Cousin got COVID. Since it’s his aunt and uncle my family spends Christmas Eve with, that day will be small and boring this year. :frowning:


It was the member of the JCVI below that ‘a poster’ quoted - I suspect Prof Brown to be privy to more AZ statistics than either you or I.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that of the 43 cases attributed to Omicron variant, 34 people had been fully vaccinated. Fourteen of them had also received a booster, although five of those cases occurred less than 14 days after the additional shot before full protection kicks in.

Maybe not, have to see how things go.

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Walking around the Upper West Side this morning, I saw mobile COVID testing sites set up at 3 different corners of the same Broadway intersection, with long lines at each one. I feel like we’re going to keep breaking records for new cases for a while.

Yeah, because we can’t do either of those two things apparently.

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No, as was pointed out, many times now, by many different posters, you are misinterpreting quotes and not understanding the difference between immunity against infection (neutralizing antibodies) and immunity against severe disease and death (t cell immunity). This has been pointed out to you and the other poster in this thread who has made this claim, numerous times now, but you keep ignoring it to continue repeating the false claim that the AZ vaccine is now effectively worthless. I encourage you to stop repeating false claims about vaccine efficacy.

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We’re up to ~3,600 omicron cases per day now but hospitalizations are still low among the vaccinated and I haven’t heard of any vaccinated people dying from omicron.


Yes, this is one of the more common side effects. Does she have a rash there too? A lot of people got a rash / pain at the injection site that didn’t show up until at least a week after the first shot. My mother had this.

Edit: Nevermind, I see no rash, this sounds different then what I am talking about.

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I had a sore arm every time after the shots, I think this is a very common side effect.

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Also, Omicron isn’t exploding all over America all at once. It’s following the same path as OG Covid. That is, it’s starting in the big cities and will probably take some time to move out to the rural areas. The big cities have overwhelmingly high vaccination rates so we would expect the positive cases to overwhelmingly be amongst the vaccinated.

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