COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Change your last name by 1 letter and get the shot as if it’s your first dose. Then after it’s in your arm, point out the “typo” a few days later with your original vax card and have it “fixed”. What are they going to do? Take it back? Call the cops?

Son and his gf coming for Xmas. They are getting boosted tomorrow. We are already boosted. I don’t think I’d do a get together without the booster.


We will see. I’m not super hopeful. Our healthcare system here is underfunded and overworked as it is. I’m expecting periodic reintroductions of restrictions. The question of whether Omicron is actually milder or whether it’s the natural immunity in South Africa is going to be critical.

The government have done a great job managing COVID here though, so hopefully it works out.

Has anyone said anything if an unvaxxed gets Omicron, do they have decent protection from Delta? (At least prevent severe disease)

Do you have any links to a hospital successfully collecting that way? I know that they could do this in theory, but when I search for actual examples of successful collections of medical debt, I could not find anything concrete.

Hmm, I could easily photoshop my vaccine card photo that’s on my phone. They don’t need the physical card if you’ve got a photo. I think I’ll prob try that…

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You are likely in a database under your name. Might not work.

Although I did get vaxxed in IL originally, and I think the databases are only within each state. Not positive though

Then you are set. Just get a “first” shot in Texas. Move the sticker over or just carry both cards.

PA had no idea I got both doses in OH. The booster populated in my dr office but the first two shots did not.

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This is a fantastic post. Thanks for writing it.


For the record, we’re at 92% or so total vaxx rate for 16+ year olds in Norway. Still hitting record numbers right now, with Omicron ramping up quickly alongside the delta high, similar to Britain. Based on this you might say that a super high vaxx rate among 16+ still won’t get you out of the woods - we’ve shut down ALL bars/restaurants and a ton more recently as to not overwhelm hospital capacity (mainly) and Omicron being a largely unknown entity last week.

Caveat though, double vaxxing started in April for the elderly and finished in september for the large swaths of the population, so lack of booster is probably screwing us compared to Australia.


A Florida man wearing a red thong as a face mask was forced off a United Airlines flight after failing to comply with the federal mask mandate.

Adam Jenne, 38, was asked to leave the aircraft before it took off from Fort Lauderdale airport on Wednesday.

He told local news channel NBC2 that he wanted to show the “absurdity” of forcing passengers to wear masks on planes while allowing them to be removed to eat and drink on board.

“It’s all nonsense. Covid doesn’t know that we’re at cruising altitude. It’s stupid. The whole thing is theater,” Jenne told NBC2.

He added he had worn underwear on his face during previous flights, and told the air crew that “it is a mask, doing its job.”

Video of the incident, filmed by another passenger, showed the flight crew informing Jenne that he would not be able to stay on board if he kept the thong on his face. After some discussion, he finally left his seat.


Would it surprise anyone that in an interview about the incident he compares himself to Rosa Parks?


That would be offensive. No one ever forced Rosa Parks to wear a mask! White Conservative Christians in America are most oppressed group in history!

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I still remain highly skeptical that South Africa had achieved anything close to delta herd immunity in just a few months, but yes we’ll see.

You’re overthinking this. Just tell them you lost your vaccine card. I legitimately forgot to bring my vaccine card to my booster appointment. They just made me a new one with just the booster information on it. That also makes it less embarrassing if someone calls you out on it, just say that you made a mistake and forgot the exact dates.


Are you hitting record numbers for hospitalizations and deaths though, or just for cases? Also, what is “record” numbers for Norway? I’m confident Australia is going to hit “record” numbers as well, but only because their previous record was so low in an absolute sense.

No, sorry, I don’t have anything. I have (thankfully) never been involved in something like that so I just did a quick Google search out of curiosity.

Denmark, which like Britain carries out extensive rapid genetic sequencing to detect variants, is second only to the UK in the number of confirmed cases of the mutation, with 3,473 cases identified in a population of 5.8 million of which 80.6% are double jabbed.

Experts have said Denmark’s advanced sequencing capacity – the country has developed a quick genetic test for Omicron, and is screening every positive test for the variant – provides a uniquely comprehensive picture of how the variant is spreading, and should serve as a warning of what is to come elsewhere in Europe.

I had a friend who was talking seriously about faking a vaccine card, early on in this. We aren’t friends anymore, though I do think they went on to get vaccinated.

It’s amazing and kind of scary to me, that there are folks in this thread talking about altering vaccine cards to get the booster early.


COPENHAGEN, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Moderna’s (MRNA.O) COVID-19 vaccine is up to four times more likely to cause inflammation of the heart muscle, a very rare side effect, than its rival vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech (PFE.N), , according to a Danish study published in the British Medical Journal late on Thursday.

The study, in which almost 85% of Danes, or 4.9 million individuals, aged 12 and older participated, investigated the link between mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines and heart inflammation, also known as myocarditis or myopericarditis.

The researchers found only 1 case per 71,400 vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech and 1 case per 23,800 vaccinated with Moderna. Most of the cases had been mild, the study said.

Sputnik V is one of Russia’s four domestically approved COVID-19 vaccines.