COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Sure does seem like we’re doing a lot of work to avoid the Occam’s Razor answer… That Africa did, in fact, get hit really fucking hard by Covid, but that the super poor countries that make up Africa (outside of places like SA) didn’t actually track them all that well.


I mean, it’s plain as day that even South Africa didn’t track covid deaths all that closely, and they’re one of two African countries that the Economist can get excess deaths data from. The other is Egypt.

It’s absurd to attribute the majority of the discrepancy to a mysterious, never before seen virus circulating all around Africa and nowhere else rather than just poor data collection and reporting due to a history of colonization and poverty.


Wow, South Africa excess deaths alone paint a grim picture of how hard that country was actually hit. Extrapolating that to the rest of the continent, it seems very likley that Covid has hit Africa much harder then any of the other endemic diseases there.

I saw another article about how covid may have exacerbated malaria, tuberculosis, and others, increasing those deaths due to overtaxed medical systems, but with the low level of covid deaths, it’s way more probable that most of those are covid rather than the other way around. It doesn’t make sense that a few extra covid deaths would result in a ton more for malaria, rather than a ton of covid deaths add a few extra malaria deaths as collateral damage.

Nightclubs will close in Wales after Boxing Day in response to the Omicron variant of coronavirus.

The Welsh government said it will also impose restrictions on businesses, including social distancing in shops and workplaces, from 27 December.

Public Health Wales expects a “rapid increase over the coming days and weeks is expected”, and officials believe Wales is a few days behind other UK hotspots

so we’ll close nightclubs in 10 days time.

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Three doubling periods ain’t no thang compared to a little more time in da club.

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Funny, South Australia has announced reduced restrictions, even as we hit RECORD NEW CASE NUMBERS TODAY (64 cases, the highest daily number all pandemic). The changes will come into effect on Dec 28th, when the government projects that we will hit 90% of 16+ year olds double-vaxxed. Masks are staying on a sort of “wait and see” basis. The one that will be nice is being able to drink standing up in bars again, the rule has been that you had to be seated. The scrapped restrictions are basically all aimed at preventing super-spreader events if a case ended up in the community.

If Omicron gets loose here - and it’s here already and may be loose already - we will provide some nice data for y’all on Omicron severity uncontaminated by questions of natural immunity, as there is near nil natural immunity here. We have had 1,081 known cases all pandemic.

My booster went fine. Bit of arm soreness again is all. I haven’t had a bad reaction to any of my doses.


That’s insane. We should probably stop making fun of Aussies.

January is going to be a complete shitshow. Absolutely nobody is canceling or even altering their holiday plans this year. We’re all getting exposed. Lot of us are going to get pozzed.


Big differences by state, VIC/NSW failing to contain (relatively speaking) and the rest of the country succeeding. But yeah there are some benefits to living on the edge of the world. 4 deaths in a state of 1.8 million people.


Yeah. I remember back in early 2020 pointing out that Covid was going to be really bad for Africa, likely even worse than malaria. It’s a shame that seems to have been borne out. This was always going to hit the poorest countries the hardest.

Yeah my state has 1800 deaths in 1.4 million people and we are/were one of the best in the country of 50 states.

90 percent double vaxxed should hopefully keep your hospital system intact and prevent a ton of deaths but I guess we’ll find out.

In Texas I’ve now tried CVS, Walgreens, and some FEMA tent site to get my booster 8 or 9 days before my 6 months is up. Stonewalled at all of them. Give me my freedoms damn it!

Quit trying to cheat.

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I know I know, but I’m pretty surprised they’re this strict, it’s not like there’s any shortage of appointment slots

Anywhere near a border at all?

Why do you think you wouldn’t be able to come back into the US?

Might need some lawbro help on this one too.

Nahhh, Dallas