COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

That was poorly phrased. The intended meaning was that not enough people have boosters, not that boosters won’t work well against Omicron.

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Do it! Stock up on TP on the way home tho

I feel the same way.

Can’t force people to care.

That depends what you classify as information.

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This really is a game changer if its what it looks like.

In a sane world would also argue for a short period of super strict restrictions while we ramped up production.

Hopeful the FDA does get around to this before March or so.

I dont think this is correct. I think that’s pretty true for dying/severe, but not for infection. Boostered people had high protection from infection pre Omicron, at least initially after booster. Omicron the data still coming in but looks like a decent chance reinfection risk has increased materially. Based on everything we’ve seen so far Id guess boosted vs Omicron<<<original vs. alpha/delta shortly post vax.

Personally not expecting lockdown or 2020 level supply chain disruptions for perishables (although already strained now for some things), but if you care about being infected I definitely think your risk is about to increase materially.

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If you are actually going to wear N95, seems OK. Test before if you want to be extra responsible, but Im personally fine with activities where I can mask up as long as I actually can mask up. Would skip the snacks/drinks. N95 are highly effective at protecting wearer.

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Yeah, fully vaxxed plus a full N-95 and skipping the snacks is going to be very low risk

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Hopefully? Dumb anti Vaxxers will take this pill but they shouldn’t right? If they were morally consistent they should not take this.

The problems are that 1) we also end up saying fuck it to the healthcare workers, who are leaving a fraying healthcare system in droves and 2) the composition of the unvaxxed/unboosted isnt quite the MAGA heavy pool we’d like it to be to make ourselves feel better morally, although has become more weighted to these people in recent months, at least for initial two shots. Also 3) we still are playing Russian roulette for a true immune escape variant that fucks us all.

Whole thing continues to be a shitshow.


Mid afternoon. Not as fun as seeing in a full theater but I think better these days. One of the wonders of being self employed these days.

I would take an empty theater over full one every day, unrelated to Covid. :sunglasses:


Nine Minnesota hospital systems published a joint letter Sunday saying that all of their beds are full, doctors and nurses are overwhelmed and demoralized, and their ability to provide care is threatened.

“We’re heartbroken, we’re overwhelmed… The situation is critical,” they wrote in the letter, which was published as full-page ads in newspapers statewide. It was signed by executives from Allina Health, Children’s Minnesota, CentraCare, Essentia Health, Fairview Health Services, HealthPartners, Hennepin Healthcare, Mayo Clinic, and North Memorial Health.

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CDC estimates Omicron is 2.9% of US cases:

I saw Get Out in a full and very diverse audience. It enhanced the experience.

They don’t have any morals. They have 5Gphobia and other assorted brainrot.


I saw Boyz in the Hood in a very un-diverse audience. As in we were the only white people in the theater. It definitely enhanced the experience.

Yeah at this point I’ve mostly gone back to living life as normal while wearing a mask indoors in public places.

I’ve been at the office the entire time and masked when up from my desk but no masks while at our desks.

I’ve been eating indoors, been to a bar a few times (5 month old baby cuts down on those trips), plan to go to sporting events and probably wouldn’t be masked the whole time while I’m there.

At this point, there is just no chance we ever get COVID cases to zero. I’ve accepted that I will probably get it at some point and by getting vaccinated and boosted I’ve done all I can to protect myself from the worst case outcomes. I’ll follow local ordinances that will change with the stress on the Chicago Hospital System but above and beyond that I’m not meaningfully changing my day to day life differently from what I did previously COVID.

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Well, I certainly am not going to quibble with your choices, and I’m not even going to say you’re being unreasonable, but you’re definitely not doing everything you can to protect yourself from the worst case outcomes. It’s certainly a sliding scale of what we’re WILLING to do to keep from catching the bug.