COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

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Maybe belongs in the Supreme Court thread, but the Supreme Court upheld the NY requirement that all health care workers be vaccinated with no religious exemption by a 6-3 vote:

Really shows how far afield modern anti-vax sentiment is when even Brett “I like beer” Kavanagh, and Amy “Handmaids Tale” Barrett voted with the liberals on this one.

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politically the best thing to do is save the trolley

politics is fucked up

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I’m not sure I have ever seen anyone using CA as an abbreviation for Canada. Is that a thing?

Um their internet domain is .ca. ?

That’s not normally done in caps and without the dot. I meant literally ‘CA’ exactly as it was typed.

And I was trying to be ironic.

I thought it was a coinflip on whether that was your angle. I guessed wrong.

In my mind I typed duh? And not just ?

Right wingers are going to portray these people as heroes and martyrs.

the atlantic is such a piece of shit publication ffs

my favorite part from this american conservative author:

Meanwhile, our children, who have continued to attend their weekly homeschooling co-op since April 2020

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In a few months, we’re probably going to be in the right territory for total worldwide deaths where someone is going to say that COVID-19 has killed as many people as the Holocaust, leading to arguments about the propriety and accuracy of that claim. That’s going to be fun.

We are already miles over the Holocaust total. The official death toll is 5.3 million or something, but The Economist has an impressively detailed model suggesting that the actual toll is between 11.3 and 21.1 million dead, with their best-guess being 18.1 million.


Yeah, but someone’s going to make that comparison when the official death toll hits 6 million.

Interesting that NZ’s covid precautions have reduced deaths by .05% of the population (and the effect of covid is negligible) or about 1/6 the rate of excess deaths in the US.

If the effectiveness of something hasn’t lasted, it’s been reduced to roughly nothing. That’s inferred from what the Professor on the JCVI said.

But it’s hardly worth arguing about.

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Still no. AZ’s effectiveness has not been reduced to “roughly nothing” and the single quote you produced does not support this. And of course, it is worth pointing out every time you make this false claim, because it once again minimizes the effectiveness of vaccines in protecting against severe disease and death.

Lots of info here. Highlights:

  • 2-dose Pfizer 70% protective against Omicron hospitalization. Possibly waning-related (although NB South Africa seems to have used a 6-week dose interval).
  • Adults 29% less likely to be hospitalized for Omicron.
  • Pediatric hospitalization 20% higher than OH COVID, but comparable to Delta.

70 percent, or as it’s known elsewhere, “roughly nothing.”

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I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative/endless slap-fight.