COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Yeah, that’s the thing. What doctor is going to do it?

Here’s something.

You can also just lay low and do one of those at-home tests in a few days. It’s not all that harmful to just take it easy and then get tested so as to be sure.


The same doctors who were giving vaccine shots off label to 8-year-olds a few months ago. Doesn’t hurt to ask.

I know a family whose doctor agreed to vax their not quite 5 year old next summer prior to planned international travel if the vax isn’t approved for 2-4 by then. Obviously there is a difference between someone on their 3rd birthday and someone a month or two shy of 5.

We’re already seeing substantial spread:

Doesn’t sound like there were any bad cases, though.

Insane numbers

In double-vaxxed, which I assume 90% of Denmark is. I doubt the US has many pockets left that aren’t vaxxed or got his by Delta.

There might not be a lot of large pockets of unvaxxed out there for Omicron to plow through.

Well, we’d also like to get a good handle on the severity in the vaxxed people who get pozzed. Things are looking prettay good right now, but still too early to tell I think.

Have we confirmed if these people are in the hospital for covid and not just happen to be in the hospital like the initial South Africa reports?

From the article

It is not clear if those people who are in hospital with Omicron are there because of the virus or for other reasons.

So fingers crossed it’s like the SA situation. Also from the article, it looks like the UK is only waiting 3 months for boosters now

The time people have to wait between second and third vaccine doses has also been reduced to three months - rather than after six months.

Still waiting 2 months between first and second shots, though. Might be an interesting data point in the future when trying to figure out the optimum spacing between doses.

But let’s put in the headline anyway and raise the alarm!

They know damn well 99% of the people who read that headline are going to assume that the patients are in the hospital for covid. But anything that scares people it’s good I guess. Never mind lessons from the boy who cried wolf, or giving ammo to the side that says the media is overly alarmist.

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Yeah, this is the SA toddler scare article all over again.

Thank you. This is perfect.

I think a test would be overkill. If the friend turns positive then will reconsider.

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Double vaxxed doesn’t mean much after 6 months, depending on the type.

AZ has faded to roughly nothing in that time frame.

Double-vaxxed might be waning for symptomatic cases, but I’m pretty sure it still helps a lot for deaths and hospitalizations.


this is not true. A preprint study with extremely flawed methodology claimed this, but even then was only for cases.

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On Friday UK data suggested that three jabs provide 70-75% protection against infection with Omicron, while two doses given three or more months ago give 30% to 40% or less.

No. There is a difference between sterilizing immunity from infection and protection from severe disease. AZ has not faded to “nothing” against severe disease.

Yeah, “against infection” = cases, not hospitalization/death.