COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

(42,86) seems like a wide CI.

Yeah, the sample size of omicron cases is pretty small.

95% CI is pretty damn important, dude.

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How much?

What will happen if you donā€™t?

That seems like a thing that most American/international tourists will never have heard of.

I love how deplorables think theyā€™re fearless when their entire life is lived in a state of perpetual fear of anybody who isnā€™t white.

Wearing a mask = living in fear.

Never going outside w/o your Glock = basic common sense.


Againā€¦ dammit

Umich/va icu doc

I think that is probably right. The result is that the middle class needs to start preparing for a lot less access to healthcare than we have enjoyed in the past. I really think we are going to see a cash for service model pop up to
skip lines for many non life threatening emergency procedures. These antivirals really need to be a better than vax level homerun to get normalcy back in a short time frame.

Depends on how the contract works.

Can the thread help me out please.

Mrs Rugby is stressed. And im trying to reassure.

Her friend may have been exposed at lunch time on friday. The friend met Mrs Rugby in the evening on friday. 6 to 8 hours after a possible exposure.

Iā€™m trying to reassure her that theres no way someone would be infectious that quickly, even if they were infected (which is unlikely).

Any useful links that I can share? All the info i can find is fairly unclear. Lots about average time to symptoms, and incubation periods prior to that.

Modeling growth rate of Omicron. Estimates a doubling time of 3 days in the US. Current US case numbers are unknown, but back of the envelope, weā€™re looking at conservatively 10% of US cases by year-end, majority Omicron by mid-month, and all-time highs by February.

Iā€™m seriously considering an illicit vaccination for my 3.5 year old. Does anyone know if safety trials have been completed for the under-5 group? Anyone had success/failures doing this?

Your problem is going to be that the dosage for the under 5 year olds is 1/3 the dosage of the 5-11 year old group. Nobody has that dosage yet for wide distribution.

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Iā€™m seeing some information suggesting that Moderna is trialing their under-12 dose with the 2-5 group:

The SpikeVax trial is studying the 50-microgram dose in 6ā€“11-year-olds, and 25 and 50 microgram doses in 2ā€“5-year-olds. An undisclosed dose and 25 micrograms will be investigated in 6-month-to-2-year-olds.

Of course, Moderna isnā€™t approved for under-12, but since the vaccines are similar, and Pfizer seems very safe in 5-12, how worried should one really be about an under 5 getting a 5-12 dose? Canā€™t be worse than getting COVID, right?

It seems like off-label is going to be a no-go, though, and weā€™re just looking at lying to somebody about his age.

I never said thanks for all the advice upthread about which dosage to try and get for my 11.8 year-old. Appreciate the input. Registration opens tomorrow and weā€™re just gonna try and get him the kidsā€™ dosage ASAP.


Close friend of my wifeā€™s had a holiday party last night. Tried to talk my wife out of it, but the friend is a grudge-holder and my wife is a people-pleaser (and I guess I am too, but at least the person Iā€™m trying to please is my wife). We stayed in a small outdoor area, but the main party was 50-75+ unmasked Angelinos eating, drinking, and talking loudly in close proximity to each other. I assume similar parties are happening everywhere. So we can speculate as much as we want about Omicron, vaccine effectiveness etc, but weā€™re definitely going to find out pretty damn soon.

I think a doctor could give a 3 year old a dose off label right now if he wanted to. Thatā€™s what some doctors were doing with older kids a few months ago, right? If you can convince your doctor to do it, well obviously I have no idea.