COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

My worries about this are rapidly being diminished. It’s mostly not COVID fatigue. It’s just that, at this point, almost anyone who chooses not to get vaxxed and dies is not a death that I get too broken up about.

I get that there are plenty of blameless people (young children, people without access, people who can’t get it for some legit medical reason, people for whom it doesn’t work well enough, etc.). I do care about them, but as their numbers are decreasing with time, so does the aggregate amount of fucks I give about people dying of COVID.

Well, I live with a young unvaxxed kid and an elderly recent cancer survivor (lymphoma) who Im not sure gets a full boost from the vaccine. Id be somewhat broken up if something happened to either of them because I gave them COVID.

As would I. They are not on my shit list.

Yeah, Im just saying my larger point is I wouldnt worry about dying of Omicrom yet if I was LFS, theres nothing out there suggesting that’s very likely. its just whatever people feel about catching and passing on what is likely an easier to catch variant for the triple vaxxed. Im not advocating locking down the US or anything, but I dont think it is too much to ask everyone who can afford to wear N95 type masks if they go indoors and test before going to a large gathering to do so.

Given your lived experience with COVID, has it changed how you will behave in other situations. For example during Flu season, would you wear an N95 mask when you go indoors. If so, why. If not, why not?

Yes, depending on local case loads and situations. Probably will just wear on planes and other transport going forward, especially during flu season, and will be avoiding crowds and indoor situations more in the winter (although part of what the response should be right now is a mass improvement on ventilation that will help with this as well, but obviously that’s a long timescales). Will certainly not be out in public when sick as much. COVID isnt the flu as it is multiple times more severe and deadly for the vulnerable and more of a threat to the public health system. But at least in certain situations will change how I act going forward, for sure.

Looking forward to being able to debate more sort of edge cases rather than what to do during a public health emergency that has the potential to become really really bad over the next month or so where I think masks and testing are very clear cut must do as much as possible.

I posted in memes and goofs but this is a pretty good skit outlining the feelings of the 1st world towards the 3rd world as the vaccine is concerned.

After Novavax was completely unable to provide a timetable for a booster I dropped from the study and got my first Pfizer. Had a rough night of sweats and chills, fucking sucked after waltzing through the 2 shot study with no issues. Really hope they get their logistics shit figured out, as our sample size of 2 had side effects from Novavax as massively less than Pfizer.


I am not sure I would choose a vaccine based on side effects.

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Agreed 100 percent. This thread has been great the last week or so.

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Vermont with 740 cases today!


Two doses of a Covid vaccine are not enough to stop you catching the Omicron variant, UK scientists have warned.

Early analysis of UK Omicron and Delta cases showed the vaccines were less effective at stopping the new variant.

However, a third booster prevents around 75% of people getting any Covid symptom.

The UK Health Security Agency said vaccines were still likely to offer good protection against severe Covid that needed hospital treatment.

Well the efficacy is this one in particular is in line with all the mRNA ones, but plenty of people absolutely would pick one based on degree of side effects.

Public health experts say the true death toll of the pandemic in the U.S. is upward of 20% higher than the official tally. That’s based on research showing that deaths attributed to COVID-19 do not account for all of the increased deaths in 2020 and 2021 when compared to prior years. Researchers call the number of deaths above a typical year “excess deaths.”

That means the number of Americans who have died from the virus could be closer to 1 million, not the roughly 793,200 deaths officially recorded as of Thursday.

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This is why I thought it was really unlikely that South Africa had reached “delta herd” prior to the omicron wave. Not nearly enough deaths.

On a group text with some old buddies I use to play ball with and learned of my first Covid-related death I personally knew. He was always a beast of a person at 6’2” 330+lbs. I hadn’t talked to him in years but he was always the big jolly dude. Latest pictures showed him weighing what I imagine to be much more than 330lbs, which I’m sure did not help.

Checked his social media and it definitely was conservative but didn’t seem anti-vax. I know plenty of staunch Trumpers that are vaxxed so who knows. Just shitty all around.


Maybe the unvaccinated should have to build their own hospital and ICU. They want their own separate everything else. I’m sure Trump would be happy to build the greatest most amazing hospital you’ve ever seen.


Haven’t yet reviewed the preprint, but this is at least worth investigating.


Apparently, there has been a huge increase in fighting in public schools this year, which is being blamed on covid. Schools are massively under staffed.

My local soccer team Adelaide United hosted most-hated rivals Melbourne Victory tonight. Adelaide has been largely covid-free during the pandemic while Melbourne was the most locked down city in the world. Away fans were holding up an OMICRON SPREADERS banner.