COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I also think that assuming X is not large is also not a terribly unreasonable assumption.

There are plausible arguments for a wide range of X.

From the author of the wastewater tweet a few posts up:

Another comment on the tweet claimed hospitalizations are currently doubling every week in that area of South Africa (off a low base) but I haven’t fact checked that.

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i thought your pediatric doctor can just administer it now that it has been fully authorized.

Pretty unlikely you’re going to find a pediatrician willing to do vaccines off label for kids.

I think best bet is a pharmacy. Q are the distributing child doses or is the provider just supposed to draw out less?

They’re distributing children’s doses, it looks like the kid’s vials contain ten 10 microgram doses as opposed to the five 20 microgram dose adult vials based on this article.

i don’t know the percentages, but i don’t believe there hasn’t been any off label use for toddlers.

There are a lot of highly probably cases that just haven’t been sequenced yet. I think SA is reporting an additional 1000 probable Omicron cases based on PCR signatures.

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I’m sure there’s been some, but I’m also confident it’s not common. If you have a 4 year 10 month old I agree pharmacy and lying about birthday is the way to go.

Still looks like cases are falling in the US fwiw. Only 19,444 reported today.

Holiday reporting tho


7 month grunch. Getting the booster was super easy. This is what the thread is about, right?


Asian markets getting rekt again.

I got so many hidden replies itt, sometimes I have no replies showing.

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So in the virus disaster movies they don’t tend to go on for years and years. I feel our script writing is getting away from us and we have an unfilmable disaster on our hands. Thoughts?

And… 14 hours later. Australia added to red list for the Philippines. Fuckkkkk


The newly-discovered Omicron variant is likely to fuel a surge in South Africa’s coronavirus cases that could see daily infections treble this week, a top epidemiologist has warned.

Agence France-Presse state that health monitors reported over 2,800 infections on Sunday, up from a daily average of 500 in the previous week and 275 the week before.

“We can expect that higher transmissibility is likely and so we are going to get more cases quickly,” Dr Salim Abdool Karim said at an online health ministry press briefing.

“I am expecting we will top over 10,000 cases by the end of the week per day (and) pressure on hospitals within the next two, three weeks.”

“Even if Omicron is not clinically worse, and certainly the anecdotes don’t raise any red flags just yet… we are going to see (rising cases) in all likelihood because of the rapidity of transmission,” Karim said.


“Omicron demonstrates just why the world needs a new accord on pandemics,” he told the start of an assembly of health ministers expected to launch negotiations on such an agreement.

“Our current system disincentivizes countries from alerting others to threats that will inevitably land on their shores.”

The new global deal, expected by May 2024, would cover issues such as sharing of data and genome sequences of emerging viruses, and of any potential vaccines derived from research.

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It took a hell of a long time for Delta to take hold in the USA in force after it exploded in India back in March, and that was absent major travel bans. About a 4 month lag.

Omicron will probably not affect the overall numbers in the US for at least a few weeks.

Also, holiday weekends seem to cause a drop in confirmed cases that never gets fully accounted for. I wouldn’t trust 7DMA numbers until a week from today.