COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Hey, bozos.

We are an international coalition of folks. I’m sure any of our posters from anywhere else have no interest in a dick measuring contest between the US and UK.

Nationalism is stupid. We all suck. Knock it off.




This works as well

I was on the fence about taking my 4 year 10 month old to get a vaccine, but I think omicron has put me over the edge. Anyone want to talk me out of it?

According to a woman’s t-shirt at the dog vaccination clinic I just went to, the final COVID variant is COMMUNISM!


Bbc has been lol bad most of the pandemic. Like newsmax bad.

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As in he turns 5 in 2 months? That’s a tough call. I’d probably do it if I could.

Relative to the BBC which ones have been better? NY Times, CNN, Washington Post, MSNBC, Fox News, NPR, Nate Silver,random posters on unstuck, random posters on 2+2, and my magic 8 ball.

BBC has been fine afaict.

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But not the Atlantic.

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Even Fox News isn’t “Newsmax bad”.

Do it.

Guardian has been solid.

Yea she turns 5 in early February. I also have a boy that just turned one. He’s in 2T clothes but I don’t think he can quite pass as 5 yet. I tried unsuccessfully to find a vaccine trial to enroll them in.

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A few anecdotes here and there, but nothing I’ve seen that can justify any sort of broad conclusions.

It sucks, but we’re still very much in the unknown phase with regard to this variant.

There are only 172 known cases, most of whom are either young or early in their disease progression or both.

I’m pretty sure he understands that. What he is saying there are probably X older and unknown cases. If omicron was associated with much more severe outcomes, we might hear anecdotes about clusters with worse outcomes. If we haven’t heard about such clusters it could be because omicron is really not that bad or it could be for a variety of other reasons.

This assumes X is pretty large, which isn’t a terribly unreasonable assumption.

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The first sample was collected 20 days ago and we know that these outbreaks tend to proceed slowly at first and undergo sudden explosions, so I wouldn’t necessarily assume there’s a huge iceberg of old cases out there.