COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

the absolute worst part of vaccine “debate” is this idea that “you can still get/spread it if you’re vaccinated” is some sort of trump card, this dipshit governor of Mississippi is on MTP right now spewing this and of course gets zero pushback.

Like, I’ve known people who died in car wrecks even though they were wearing seatbelts, obviously seatbelts do nothing, QED.

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“What’s the point of having an offensive line if the QB still gets sacked sometimes?”

Notably, some of the anti-travel restriction arguments fallacy. Border restrictions can be good if they only slow, but don’t stop, the importation of cases

I think it’s somehow tied to antipathy to cost-benefit analysis. Substituting a binary works/doesn’t work question for the more complicated “is this worth doing?”

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The chances of AA winning are 50/50 - they either win or they do not.

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that would actually be an improvement! the current argument from deplorables is “well you had AA and still lost, but I got NATURAL IMMUNITY when I sucked out a runner runner boat with my 27o, lol”


Stop overplaying your pocket pairs and whining when you lose with them, morans.


This was an actual argument against seat belt laws. By actual argument, I mean an argument actually made by morons.

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Sure. Its the same thing they are doing with self driving car technology.

“3 people have died in self driving cars over the course of 3 billion driving miles! Self driving cars are a menace and must be stopped!”

“Well ok, but in that same 3 billion driving miles scenario, 300 people have died in non-self driving cars”

“A menace I say!”

“People fear new things” really shouldn’t be catching people off guard these days, but here we are.

I think the scariest thing about it is these new things are having a demonstrably positive effect, and people are willingly ignoring the positivity that is coming from them.

“ I’m guessing here”. At least the tweeters are doing much better with disclaimers.

It isn’t. They start with “I don’t want to be vaccinated!” and then find justifications for it.

I tried the seatbelts analogy with an unvaxxed guy at work.

“Rugby. That’s completely different. You’re not injecting a seatbelt into your body”


Chapter 9 - Moronic

Seems like that I’m travel ban wasn’t too effective

I think it’s to give more people time to get boosters (eneryone’s at the travel ban, i wonder why)

Great hte UK can even tell when the infected left too - interesting we don’t say where they flew to ;) Probably waiting for that country to fess up or get their testing ‘ready’

Meanwhile, seems like USA#1 are rapidly opening up a couple of labs to actually check if they have this (yawn) 7 days, 7 days - some surveillance you got there




Travel ban won’t slow things down. The continual jingoism is laughable.

More importantly, I think I’m on full no travel ban if you’re basing the policy making on pure facts. I’m fine with it though as a matter of policy from a political point of view, because with no travel ban the eventual spread can easily be tied to your inaction.

Dumb that it works that way, but it seems true.