COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

won’t anyone please think of the pubs?

sorry that was mostly in jest. i would just like to say that the pandemic clearly meant that the world needs to pare back normal life until everyone gains immunity. we could in fact have schools open with masks/ventilation/etc. if we closed down pubs for example. but for some reason the open schools crowd overlaps with open pubs folks in a perfect circle, along with every other open business, no mask/mandate “protester”

This is a pretty blatant lie.

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Anywho, US cases appear to be down 6 percent in the 7dma. Thanksgiving was obviously a reporting error, but those additional cases missed should have been picked up the next two days. Omicron notwithstanding we might be rounding the bend on the current surge.

Don’t think so. Iirc it took all the way to next week to catch up

Yeah I would not count any chickens until Wednesday

Yeah lot of data now doesn’t come in on weekends, if anything will take longer to catch up than last year. Vermont and NH not reporting for surging states and leader Minnesota still looks wonky. I know based on Mass wastewater surveys that it is very unlikely our wave is receding. Would be pretty shocked if we are under 125k/day national cases in two weeks even ex new variant.

After The Omega Strain will they go to Alpha Beta, Alpha Gamma, etc?

if we reach the omega variant, the virus wins

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A Portuguese soccer team could field only nine players in a league game because of covid.

One of their players had recently returned from South Africa. Portugal has one of the best vax rates in the world, and this is one of the worst examples of a team being hit.

They don’t know for sure it’s omicron yet, but it doesn’t feel great. Hopefully most of these guys aren’t experiencing significant symptoms and we only know they have covid because they’re tested…


LOL the video of this is hilarious. One of the 7 players was a goalkeeper playing as a midfielder. As soon as the 2nd half starts, he just goes down. They call the match off and he immediately gets up and starts shaking hands.


I mean, it already has, right? Like, as an anthropomorphized virus, how could you imagine a better victory that your hosts fighting for their right to get infected?


Hardcore travel ban

In addition to the entry ban for non-Israelis, a three-day mandatory quarantine would be required for all vaccinated Israeli nationals, and a seven-day quarantine for those who have not been vaccinated.

The cabinet also authorised surveillance of confirmed coronavirus patients by the Israel’s Shin Bet security agency.

Two cases of Omicron found in Australia

Back to Australia, and health authorities in New South Wales have confirmed that the two overseas travellers that tested positive overnight have been infected with the new Omicron variant.

Both passengers arrived from southern Africa on Saturday evening, and underwent testing last night.

Both cases are asymptomatic and in isolation at special health accommodation, and both are fully vaccinated.

As curbs spread around Europe along with the new variant, Switzerland has widened quarantine requirements to travellers arriving from Britain, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Egypt and Malawi, where cases have been detected, its health ministry said.

Now, following the detection of new Omicron cases, travellers from Britain, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Egypt and Malawi will need to present a negative COVID-19 test and quarantine for ten days as well, the Federal Office of Public Health said in a tweet.

This just looks like a normal soccer game.





So is there any chance this variant (or any future variant) could be a good thing? Seems like a very contagious, but not severe form of covid could help immunize the unvaxxed without doing too much damage, assuming it provides some kind of immunizing effect.

They are among 61 passengers who tested positive for coronavirus.

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Reassuring reading :cold_sweat: :mask:

