COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Spot the link
it’s 7 months old
The facts are still the same my cherry picker


I’ll find you a more recent one so you can pick wholes in the expert analysis… expert analysis… god, we could do with an EXPERT in the thread… a specialist, or something

The link takes you to the website of that organization. The article you copy/pasted is not linked. You also quoted the 2nd, 3rd and 4th paragraph, ignoring the 1st and 5th that would have made it clear your pre-print was in the partially vaccinated.

I’m not disagreeing with any ‘expert analysis’ here. I’m not poking holes in their work. I’m telling you how you’re misusing their work.

Here’s the article. I skimmed it but lack the expertise to comfortably summarise its findings. I’ve genuinely no idea if any differences they have in activation meaninfully translate into differences in efficacy vs new strains:


No-one in this thread really does but fear not, there’s an ER doc that gonna tell you the opposite of what you read elsewhere. He’ll see I posted the same study back in March 2021 when it was published (Chapter 7 or 8)

Still not on the normal schedule. Still using a very indirect proxy measurement of T cell activity. Still not relevant to your assertion.

At the end of the day, no one cares about what type of immunity is causing what. You care if you are protected. There’s nothing to suggest that adenovirus vectors have longer lasting protection at this point.

Looks like things are moving fast on this new variant though. Our gov (UK) isn’t well known for being particularly proactive, but it’s just been announced that new restrictions are coming in from Friday:

Travellers arriving from several southern African countries will have to quarantine amid warnings over a new Covid variant.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid said from 12:00 GMT on Friday six countries would be added to the red list, with flights being temporarily banned.


Feels like closing the door after everyone has left though.

Feels like you wouldn’t have even heard of B.1.1.529 if it weren’t for this thread


Prof Richard Lessells, from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, said: “They give us concern this virus might have enhanced transmissibility, enhanced ability to spread from person to person, but might also be able to get around parts of the immune system.”

There have been many examples of variants that have seemed scary on paper, but came to nothing. The Beta variant was at the top of people’s concerns at the beginning of the year because it was the best at escaping the immune system. But in the end it was the faster-spreading Delta that took over the world.

Prof Ravi Gupta, from the University of Cambridge, said: “Beta was all immune escape and nothing else, Delta had infectivity and modest immune escape, this potentially has both to high degrees.”

‘No cases in Britain yet’

A little peace of mind that nobody is lying about having done a test.


Would that be a bad thing? Like is that an insult?

Anyways Twitter hit me with a notification this morning on this.

Yeah, sadly that feels like it’s probably true. If it’s already made its way to Hong Kong, chances are that’s not the only international destination reached.

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For anyone planning on making an international trip, I’d be looking to do that sooner rather than later.

Countries finding this ‘Nu’ variant will be on travel bans lists. Not scaremongering, but you can see the way this is heading

referencing someone not being able to go home for the holidays last year is exceptionally petty and not ok.

Way early to say that. Could happen, but could fade away


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Another twitter thread beyond my competence level talking about the specific mutations of this new strain. Maybe @MrWookie might understand better? At any rate this bloke’s not saying it’s definitively bad, but that it definitely looks fucking bad.

This tweet particularly worried me:

The guy’s no joke either, despite his lack of blue tick. He’s leading the covid team at the Sanger Institute (single biggest contributor to sequencing the human genome).

  1. Experts are concerned. It’s good to stay aware itt.

  2. As with anything new, there is lots of speculation, and a lot of bullshit. This is about the 4th or 5th omg there is a new variant since delta conflagration. Agree this one seems more worrisome.

  3. See nothing that clearly indicates one vaccine or another better vs variants. I’d hazard to guess that one type might be better against some while a different vax type is better against others. So let’s not waste a lot of electronics arguing hypotheticals.


Yeah it isn’t like we are going to mitigate as a society anyways. All we can do is see if it spreads and if it resists vaccines so we know if we need to go back to lockdown season again for awhile.

not sure what to make of all of this, but the thread is interesting