COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Father in law was boosted 3 weeks ago. Had to go to VA to get medicine and got a test for his cold symptoms. Has Covid. Very mild symptoms as you would expect, buy still …

Good thing he was tested as there were plans for a small Thanksgiving and we were going to travel back to surprise them.


Japan, at 76% fully vaxxed and with a population that seems to take this seriously, appears to be kicking COVID’s ass rn.

If majority of detected cases are in the unvaxxed (vaxxed less likely to test?) then is it all that surprising?

Thanks. Based solely on the chart Churchill posted, it seems like as opposed to “decoupling” you are seeing a reduced correlation. I guess that’s a kind of partial decoupling, but these are subjective terms.

I suppose another explanation would be that in 2020 deaths moved in sync with infections because the mostly likely die, well, died. And they can only die once, so they aren’t present in wave 2.

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Average estimated 93% with antibodies and cases still rising, post boosters started Sept '21.

Might not be an EU QR code because America is not in the EU. But it might be a solution

Some countries (Israel… and some EU) now requiring proof of vaxx within last 6 months for travel - sure you’re good there though - worth knowing because that’s the way international travel will go

It enables quarantine-free travel to countries such as Israel, Croatia and Austria, which have a time limit for vaccination status to be valid.

IMO, those countries without a solid digital system cataloging vaccines from the start of the vaccine rollout will have travel subject to negative test prior to departure and / or on entry, those with, less so

Glad it is mild! There’s always Christmas. :christmas_tree:

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Yeah, I’m not doing this with you. Good luck with what you’re trying to accomplish here I guess.

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Copied and pasted for future recall.

Stop this please. Stick with discussing the topic on hand. Backhanded insults are unnecessary.

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…… I’m telling the entire thread JT. Stop taking things so personal.

This is the first I looked at the thread today and won’t be able to look again for awhile. I just wanted to put a message saying keep it cordial. It applies to everyone.


I think the assumption, until proven otherwise, should be that another wave will hit regardless of vaccination rate or NPI. Vaccines and NPI are extremely important as they might modulate the wave and almost definitely reduce morbidity and bad outcomes.

Interesting chart:

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I’m seeing “vaccines kill 15% of people over 80”. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!

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I know it might appear as though mods willingly ignore some posts and selectively moderate others but (and I know I’m a broken record on this) it comes down to flags. That’s also probably the reason Tilted popped in and gave his warning.

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it’s a bit different. some countries have mandated things like qr codes before leaving the house in lockdown. that’s never going to fly in usa, although venues do ask for qr code of your vax record.

also depending on the specific place in europe you might be talking about different flavors of protests, libertarian right wing or left.


To help keep a lid on any spread, a government spokesman told The Courier Mail that, from Tuesday, a range of billboards and digital media would feature the message “No jabs? No pubs, no gigs, no footy, no movies and no festivals” for unvaccinated people.

A shocking grand total of 150 people protested in Prague on Monday due to the new restrictions. WaPo said hundreds but it was less according to Czech language sources.

Meanwhile, the lame duck Czech government is considering mandating vaccination for people above 60 and those in healthcare with other professions to follow (the police chief already opposed mandatory vaccinations). They’ve also reduced the wait time for boosters from 6 months to 5 months. No lockdown or state of emergency currently on the table.

Finally got my booster certificate. Apparently, they never input my record. No idea how that got lost but once I gave them all the info they wanted, I finally got the damn thing.