COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I dont totally disagree with the metric, although I think double flu every year is still kinda grim and comes with challenges. We are a long long way away from that. Not even respiratory virus season and we are run rating at multiples of even a terrible flu season for deaths. Reinfection data sort of sparse and what we have is mixed at this point.

Im confident our grandkids grandkids will be more well adjusted for COVID through evolution, but not sure if we get better immunity through exposure and its like a cold for most of us or if it gets worse every time and we all die at 55 instead of 75 on average.

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Agreed, but do we lockdown and mask again? I mean people adapt behavior at some point regardless of mandates, but I wouldnt really count on CARES Act 2 coming through or we are all in this together type solidarity for lockdown part 2.

I don’t know where you’re getting that from. I, for one, posted taht I think the pfizer pill is an absolute game changer. Like the vaccines we just need to wait for it to get approved and produced up to scale before we start to see changes.

There’s no evidence that this coronavirus is the magical one that human immune systems won’t ever be able to adapt to. Actually it mutates much more slowly than the flu.

A March/April 2020 style lockdown is literally never happening again in the US.

No, that’s bullshit. People with asthma can wear surgical masks. I suppose there exists out there someone with such severe emphysema (the kind of person who’s normally on oxygen), who cannot, but that is a tiny slice of the population.

Tiny doesn’t even do it justice. Nearly everyone can be vaccinated, it’s just that the vaccine doesn’t work so well in a small percentage of the population. Hopefully for that small population the pfizer pill (after being vaccinated) will be enough for them to resume normal lives as well.

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Not to mention that people with severe asthma are at an especially high risk of bad outcomes due to Covid and absolutely should be wearing masks.

Perhaps he was joking, but I took Trolly’s question seriously and tried to answer it as such. Obviously you could have provided a more accurate answer of what you meant.

Masks offer far more protection for others than for oneself. Surprised you didn’t know this.

Thinking more along the lines of waning immunity (which seems to be a thing) combined with damage from prior COVID infection being the same sort of precondition as any sort of other condition would be.

So you were healthy, caught COVID, were unfortunate to get lung damage, then caught COVID again, would your prognosis be better or worse than before? I don’t really know. I Think we need more work on figuring out whatever long COVID actually is and more information, how the vaccine regimen works long term, and how the virus can mutate to get a better handle on questions like this.

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

US transit usage is still down 50-75% from the before time.

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BCE if you don’t mind.

Correct. Boston metro can’t go back to full work from office even if we all wanted to, the infrastructure can’t handle it if mass transit doesn’t ramp.

Anecdote time - I have taken the subway in Toronto a few times in the past few months. My preferred doctor is down in the financial district. The ridership levels are really inconsistent. I’ve been on trains to an appointment in the mid afternoon, and there was no one within 20 feet of me. I took a train closer to the end of the workday and it was very full - although a number of seats were blocked to encourage distancing, there is not guidance for when more people than seats get on the train. So I probably had about 6 people within 10 feet. People did try to space out though, which was nice.


We already let it rip since May 2020 here and your point about the shit we went through for nothing and still being miserable is literally my point.

Do you not get I don’t go to bars currently? I am living in a place where most people have given up and I mostly stay home? I have masked besides a 1-2 month period in the spring when cases were super low? That is why the way you treat me and some others is super insulting tbh. Like I have given up friends, family, my social life, and most of my livlihood to keep people alive during Covid. Most of them give no shit about it and not only that but ridicule me for it to my face and to others.

The fact you can’t see how brutal it is to act like I am part of the problem is your own shortcoming that I have been trying to get you to realize but you wont. I’m literally your ally in this fight even if we aren’t 100% in sync.

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I don’t have a problem with you man but you are most definitely trying to score points on people here that you see as less effectively combating Covid with their precautions (in your opinion).

Like this has been a brutal as fuck 2 years after a brutal as fuck 3-4 years of Trump before that. Maybe you are provably better at Covid precautions but who gives a shit. People are different. I was one who scoffed a ton in March 2020 about all the mental health fear mongering of staying in your house for FOURTEEN DAYS TO FIGHT THE SPREAD. But this is literally 20ish months later and guess what it’s worse than then. From the right you get the “fucking you cowardly cuck” treatment and from your type you get the “you are eating out you fucking murderer” treatment.

Acting like otherizing all the people who have fucking cared during this is the right play is idiotic. Do I think you do this all the time? No. But you do it sometimes and you know it.