COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

This seems…pretty reasonable?

Seriously, fuck unvaccinated people. I have exactly zero tolerance for any kind of personal discomfort or mild inconvenience for their benefit.


literally the only thing stopping me from freaking out about gop taking the house from the neolibs like rm, is that it is in fact Riverman giving that side his stone cold mortal lock of the century.

Looking forward to the Austrian experiment.

I think this will be about the last precaution removed. Probably doesn’t happen until a new vaccine or more therapeutics invented IMHO. Not sure they ever get removed on international flights.

Maybe if we could rapid test everyone before boarding would be the other option.

Rapid tests are down to about $7 each even in the US. Not sure why we couldn’t rapid test everyone getting on an airplane. I mean we won’t, but we easily could.

I’m stingy with my likes but I went back and added one bc Riverman is right.

If there was a path to eradication I’d certainly be more inclined to go all out to get there. But that will never happen no matter what I do or no matter what the collective action of everyone who cares does. The percent of people who legitimately can’t get vaccinated is small and the chance one of them contracts covid through an unmasked vaccinated individual and wouldn’t have otherwise caught it from somewhere else is near zero. The risk to these people is something they’re going to have to find a way to deal with regardless of how diligently society stays masked. If you’re saying we should stay masked until some point where it’s safe to return to normal, OK, but when is that? After all ages are eligible to be vaccinated seems like the last major milestone to look forward to. If you’re saying we should just get used to being masked in all public interactions moving forward indefinitely, then no, that’s not something I’m willing to accept.

There’s a section of society that thrives on thinking themselves to be better people than everyone else. That’s what drives this objectively insane viewpoint.

I mean this is all cool to say but obviously we are on the very tail end of mask mandates and more aren’t really coming in any sort of meaningful measure. The notion that people are going to wear masks around others in public forever is a joke and pretty much nobody is even doing that now in most places.

I’ll keep wearing one for the foreseeable future, but all around the world the stadiums are full with unmasked folks. The bars are full, the restaurants are full.

It just ain’t gonna be a thing long term, no matter how much we want to protect the sliver of folks that can’t get vaxxed.

We have like 1000 deaths a day and are about to start another surge in cases. We are probably reaching the point where much of the vaxxed population is starting to see some waning immunity. The discussion right now should be around do we require N95 masks for everyone, not should we start removing mask mandates.

Yeah, probably not going to happen, so us Americans can continue to be part of a society complicit in killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of citizens a year. Cool.

EDIT: Good chance we reap an immune evading variant at some point and get to head back to something like Spring 2020 for awhile too.

I get it, I kinda hate masks, but reality is what it is.


Lockdowns are NEVER happening again in the United States.

Mask mandates aren’t happening either in many states.

People out there virtue signaling by taking actions that don’t harm anyone but themselves and protect others from COVID and other respiratory diseases. Makes me furious!


Well, Id say never as long as we dont get a resistant variant. If we got delta level transmission and vaccine efficiency was heavily reduced, dont think wed have a choice. The alternative would be full healthcare collapse and people would lockdown regardless of govt mandate.

For masks, we have a local mandate here, Id like it strengthened but lol, but the existing one we should at least get to the end of the school year in June and have a coherent booster program/more information on how good a third dose works against transmission before revisiting the mandate.

We could, alternatively, move to a vax passport/rapid test before entering indoor space combo but obv. I know that isnt happening either.

Marty- a direct plea. Recently it had been noted that there had been improved discourse around disagreements itt. It would be appreciated if you could express your opinion on the airplane masking less personally. Thank you.

Riv- the virus seems to have some tricks up it’s sleeve beyond 5-11 year olds getting vaxxed. So while I totally agree that non vaxxers have a lot to do with continued spread, it’s not the whole story and we are likely wearing masks on planes for the forseeable future. So yes be pissed at the morons but even without them we are still masking on planes.


I find them annoying for meetings or conversations, dont get facial expressions and talking is harder. They are annoyingto me when it is hot out or when Im wearing some sort of glasses. I havent flown since Spring of 2020 because I imagine I wont much like the airline experience, now with masks included and angry people everywhere. My kids wear them without complaint but especially my oldest, who can remember before times, doesnt love having to be masked with his friends all the time. I find them somewhat dystopian and depressing. So I actually would like to ditch masks when it is possible.

We just dont look close to that point and I cant justify not masking. Given the continued waves and spikes in high vax areas tell me we may not be until we get gen 2.0 vaccines and/or good therapeutics. It will be very frustrating if we make the same mistake as the first great demasking, this time in the middle of winter with shitty numbers everywhere.

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Agree to disagree re: more lockdowns and mandates at least in my neck of the woods; absolutely positively zero chance to see them (and I’m in one of the more liberal states in America). Aren’t your stadiums filled with maskless people? Your pubs? I’m only where I am, but when I see international stuff I’m not really seeing people anywhere strictly masked up in public at all times.

Oh I agree with you 100%, it’s absolutely going to hurt and guarantee that 20 years from now I’m still probably going to catch this thing and hope to hit my saving throw and not die. But I strongly disagree that there is going to be any appreciable masking (at least in the US) after another year or two.

I for one am relieved that there is no one under five on these flights and no one going to visit 90-year old double-vaxxed Nona in the old country.


Government should work on having objective metrics, with the caveat that they are hard because they are subject to change as circumstances change and moving the goalposts creates numerous problems. The few half attempts made at it suggest almost everywhere should be masking up given the level of spread. Fauci was suggesting something like under 10K cases nationwide for an extended period of time. Some locales got there for a short period, we never did nationwide.

For things like flying, public transportation, I dont know, I can see a valid policy reasons for enforcing those for a long, long time.

Would also like to see a push towards real ventilation improvements. While the emergency OSHA vax mandate was haphazard and is going to likely be struck down/half fail (although undoubtedly already helped getting a material number of people vaxxed), a long-term requirement for better ventilation that would reduce virus spread would seem to be on much firmer ground (lol law caveats of course)

It does matter; everybody should strive to be less personal when having disagreements.

But you came in with both guns blazing: “Wear your mask and stfu.” There’s a discussion to be had here, and that just seems needlessly aggressive. I mostly agree with you by the way, but I think there’s more to the other side than just pure selfishness.

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