COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

It’s not leveled at anything in particular, it’s just another piece of the discussion. You’ve done a nice job of illustrating the potential risk that vaxxed people face, and there’s been a lot of debate about that. Whereas the general sentiment regarding masks here for instance seems to be “I continue to wear them in public, it doesn’t bother me, and I don’t plan on changing anytime in the near future.” Which is fine as a personal matter, but may not be fine for everyone or for society as a whole. In particular not great for the people who are forced to do it 8 hours a day every day. If you’re looking for heterodox takes itt, I think it’s been downplayed just as much as post-vax risk.


Thank you for the link, but no, the part you circled is not pertinent to hospitalizations.

As I suspected, the web page presents: cases, hospitalizations, case rates, hospitalization rates. Your image contained only the first 3, so I removed the case-related items to focus specifically on the hospitalization data. I’m sorry you interpreted that as “disingenuous” but my intent was to clarify by isolating the part I was referencing.

I still wish they would focus on the rates and de-emphasize the raw percentages for these metrics.

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Just wanted to say I appreciate that the discourse here is staying chill of late.


Yes, thanks everyone.

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I think this is a good point. I am assuming that you are referring to people that are in jobs that require them to be close together or interact with the public? I think this concern is valid but it also seems constrained by first order thinking. Having people forced into congested unsafe labor conditions for long stretches without relief should be seen as a call to action on labor rights, not a mark against using masks to prevent the spread of viruses. But I’m definitely sympathetic to the point.

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Sure that would be awesome but also not happening so we have to deal with the reality that we are in.

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That’s right. It’s a classic “yes/and” situation.

I want to be a citizen-scientist

Vaccine clinics have been held at around 3,500 schools, with 800 more to be visited next week, NHS England said.

“This is a phenomenal accomplishment and will make a huge difference in stopping Covid-19 from further disrupting their education, their health and their lives.”

The vaccination programme began in earnest once it was approved by the UK’s chief medical officers, but much of Europe began to offer jabs to this age bracket ahead of their return to school in the autumn.

The US is currently also offering doses of the Pfizer vaccine to children aged between five and 11 years old.

Enough to make it worth giving them one dose, according to the JVCI. I guess the JVCI are watching the US stats on the rest. Remember, the only one of mine eligbile - at the moment - was first in line :)

Secondary attacks assume they will all get it - we’re at about 1 in 8 despite schools being open, unmasked throughout the pandemic. We aren’t doing close contact quarantine in under 16’s since september - if they test postive, known through twice weekly home testing, they’re out - if not, off to school - that’s the value of regular LFT’s

Now checked. No quarantine for close contacts of kids - school message goes round if class mate pozzs and we all do a test that evening. LFT’s known for let you know whether you’re contagious at that point. PCR’s less so. No poz from a LFT, fine for the mo.

Might be a case of putting them forward for one dose and delaying the second (up to you as a parent) - no option of a 2nd dose for 12-16’s here, yet

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Now confirmed

Austria is placing about 2 million unvaccinated people in lockdown from Monday amid record infection levels and growing pressure on hospitals.

“We are not taking this step lightly but it is necessary,” Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said.

Unvaccinated people will only be able to leave home for a limited number of reasons, like working or buying food.

About 65% of Austria’s population is fully vaccinated, one of the lowest rates in western Europe.


“In reality we have told one third of the population: you will not leave your apartment anymore apart from for certain reasons,” Mr Schallenberg said.

“That is a massive reduction in contacts between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.”

Public Service Announcement: If you live in a place where your kids are eligible to get the full series of shots you should do so as soon as possible and you should ignore this post (and especially that graphic which is absolute horseshit) which is misleading at best. You should not give them just the first dose and then skip the second. In the interest of avoiding another thread war I won’t add more at this point, but this post shouldn’t just stand unchallenged.


NYC having a bit of an uptick in cases, in line with general trends in the Northeast. Hospitalizations have not increased.

The accounting of costs and benefits in that graphic is far from complete


Not to mention that myocarditis is presented as a big scary thing when it can also mean “just played a soccer game.”

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Seems to be happening nationally. Not good, Bob. Deaths still dropping, but there is a lag between cases and deaths.

Weird. I got my booster yesterday and I felt fine, even when I woke up this morning. This afternoon I started to feel bad. Could be a coincidence, but I think it might have hit me over 24 hours later.

So how much longer do I have to wear a mask on airplanes? Because I was completely fine with it before but I’m very not ok with it after the vaccine is widely available for kids.

Another year or two? Obviously unknowable but just my guess.

Even accepting that graphic as correct (and given how terribad the BBC has been throughout the pandemic on vaccine-related reporting I will take that with a huge grain of salt), as others have said, the risk/benefit analysis there is terrible. For a baseline, how many kids have died of myocarditis? How many kids have died of Covid? That alone is enough to ignore that graphic, but there’s plenty more. As Wookie pointed out, myocarditis is not some terrible scary condition that means a kid is having a heart attack and is going to have lifelong cardiac damage. And especially given the studies about waning immunity after 2 shots, you should get your kids fully vaccinated.

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