COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron


How the hell did the EMS - in NYC of all places - have a vaccination rate of only 61%?

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Did not see that one coming.

But the real answer is more French (I know what’s the difference). But my grandparents immigrated from Quebec.


Getting the vaccine is free, straightforward and safe but some people have instead chosen to spend weeks trying to illegally obtain fake vaccine cards only to get scammed, by other criminals, for hundreds of dollars.

It took Maggie two tries and $450 before she realized she wasn’t going to get the fake vaccine cards she was looking to buy.

The first seller that Maggie identified turned out to be a fraud. “The second time I was less trusting but still wanted to believe there was a way,” she said. “I fell for it again. I was so mad.”


Vermont absolutely shattering the previous single day record by almost 20% today.

Not surprised. Respiratory season starting i the Northeast and I went to Vermont last month, basically looked like zero COVID precautions indoors and lots of people travelled there for foliage. We did all outdoor activities, but when we called around to ask about COVID precautions we were told “oh we dont have much COVID here, its pretty normal”


Is this a random surge or was this precipitated by something like a reopening or other policy change?

Probably a little of both. Pattern seems to be wave comes then wanes then comes back again some period later. Guessing another wave is coming there in southeast later, but we’ll see. Expect a wave in the northeast imminently, but should be less deadly than the summer spike in the south given vax rates.

Germany and Austria are shattering their 7-day moving average peaks.


Previous peak: 25441 (Dec 22nd 2020)


Previous peak: 7465 (Nov 13th 2020)

the country was locked down until December, then opened for Christmas shopping, then locked down again

Deaths are down 80-90% though in both countries. I can’t even imagine what the winter was going to look like if there were no vaccines.

There haven’t been any policy changes in quite some time.

I think it’s just more people letting their guard down.

Governor thus far has refused any strategy to slow it down.

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Yes we should all realize how horrific Delta would be without the vaccines. Just a guess but twice as many total deaths as today’s total seem about right. Especially when you factor in precautions fatigue.

Any reliable studies yet showing that long covid is a frequent problem for those who have been vaccinated though? Because I certainly haven’t seen any.

We shouldn’t engage with the dishonest starting off point.

edit: no one in this thread ‘doesn’t believe in long covid’ and churchill knows this.

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I got mine where I play indoor soccer. Really nice new facility. (A 4 rink new hockey facility is 50m away from it as well)

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Sort of early days for long COVID studies Id think, particularly for the vaccinated, but here is one take. Thinks vaccination cuts by half (in addition to the lower case rates from vaccination)

My opinion is that precautionary principle suggests we still need to worry about case counts and not just hospitalization/death

EDIT: welp ponied


If the (fairly recent) idea of two month waves is correct, the SE encountered a pretty big spike in late summer while the west was hit less hard. Looks like there are two major waves that are opposite of each other time wise

My warning in the other thread goes equally for everyone. Do your best to keep from responding to Church’s posts in a negative manner like this. I dont think his post was pointing to anybody in particular saying that they dont believe in long covid, so engaging in his point should be fine.

We can have discussions without sniping, biting comments. If they continue then you (or anyone else engaging in them) will sit out.


I’m not going to fault you for not remembering every detail in this thread, but it absolutely is a shot at me. And it’s not subtle either.

“So you’re of the opinion long covid is horseshit and I’m to value your internet opinion more than Nervtag.” is a quick sample of Churchill


Fair enough. The same goes for Churchil. In the meantime, I implore you to not engage in responding to these shots.


I was in a presentation at work just today that talked about how vaccines reduce long Covid. The way it was described to me is that long Covid seems to arise from neurological impacts from being ECMOed, and vaccinated people are far less likely get ECMO even if they are infected.

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