COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Seriously? What kind do you use?

And distribution is so uneven. Even at say 85% combined vax and Covid acquired immunity, there are still lots of pocket of folks that associate and form transmission chains. Combine that with grouped behavior among these folks—more willing to be indoors in groups, non-vaxxed, non-masked and you are ripe for mini surges.

The paper that purported to show transmission from the vaxxed as comparable to the unvaxxed has been shown to be lacking. Basically they didn’t consider the unvaxxed among the vaxxed as a pathway of transmission.

Virus titers integrated over time are much lower in the vaxxed. The peak titers may be similar but for a much shorter interval but it’s unclear if the actual transmission is similar.

That doesn’t mean that masks aren’t preferred, especially in crowded indoor settings. Some room for situational judgment.

Bling Blang Blaow

Victoria, Australia has announced almost complete open for business once we hit 90% of eligible population double vaxxed. This will be sometime next month

There will still be significant restrictions if you are NOT double vaxxed. You cant leave the home to work and cant eat in a restaurant

They will be removing the mask mandate accept for high risk enclosed spaces like public transport.

Any thoughts on how this will work out?

Better than what we are doing in the US, but people are going to be surprised at how high case levels are would be my prediction but we will see


You don’t understand it because you haven’t seen the full horror of the meta game.

Changed your post to my response.

LOL. Taking some time away from this place really has allowed me to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of stuff like this. Just utterly pathetic to the point it is hilarious.


For the Cali folks, they dropped below a “substantial” level of transmission according to the CDC, which means masks are no longer recommended. CA is the only state so designated. States with substantial but not widespread transmission include Illinois and the areas hardest hit by Delta like the SE and rural Missouri.


I was in LA for the weekend and it was far different than I was used to. Everywhere I went required proof of vaccine, but it seemed most people weren’t wearing masks once allowed in. Not sure if that is safer or not, but definitely far different than normal where almost everyone is masked, but who knows if they are vaccinated.

btw i was at In N Out today, some dude walked in maskless. Cashier lady asked if he had a mask, he said no, she gave him a new one and he wear it. now that should make the news.


(Not directed at you) Will repeat what I said in May: removing mask mandates at this time has the potential to be a horrible own goal despite declining cases. Given we are now entering the holiday season and kids are about to get vaccinated, might be even dumber this time around.

Would be a good time for the CDC to correct its current guidance and call for masks until 5-11 fully vaccinated then can re evaluate

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The funniest part of all of this is how we all are pretending that the entire country isn’t out at Applebees tonight and filling packed stadiums all across the country. But yah, masks and stuff.


The unstuck covid thread - where the upper 2% in personal safety precautions bicker endlessly with the upper 1% in personal safety precautions.


Life is pretty much back to normal on the East coast. Masking in stores where it says optional for vaxxed is in the 50% range. Restaurants are busy. There is a lot more outdoor seating but as the weather turns expect everyone will be indoors.

Of course we don’t see the vulnerable that stay home and we don’t know who might be contagious wo a mask.

This is now largely a serious disease for the unvaxxed and the immune compromised with the rest of the population providing a good reservoir of virus.


Sound up


A very interesting Twitter thread on myocarditis:

Good news too

Btw the craziest thing I’ve learned is that kids playing soccer leak troponin into their bloodstream, the same thing I use to test people for heart attacks


Apparently some shenanigans are coming, diving into this tweet and responses gets out of my depth real fast