COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Hard to say. US testing has issues and is understating cases, but I dont think testing is so lol that we are getting case trend lines directionally wrong. Could be an anomaly, could be a lol data dump some of our states do at various points, could be a number of things.

Worldometer shows deaths trending down in the US.

The efficacy of reading this thread is waning. Thread needs a booster dose of shut the fuck up and take the drama to the drama thread.


I had a long reply but I’m mostly going to let it go. You’ve made all your points repeatedly. That others disagree doesn’t mean they don’t understand you or aren’t “following closely”.


I wouldn’t say Churchill is anti-vax, but I can see why people view him as such. He comes across as anti-vax adjacent because of his willingness to use questionable sources and he looks like he knows what he is doing because he’s been reluctant in the past to cite, even when pushed, unless it comes from BBC News. It wouldn’t be shocking if he’s just posting stuff that shows up in his Facebook feed. He’s how people appear when poised to go down the rabbithole. Some here are ready to bat that shit down, possibly using him to take out all of their frustrations that they feel about the sea of stupidity in general society.

They treat him as if they believe he is not arguing in good faith and he does nothing to give them a reason to think otherwise. He’s been temp-banned for trolling this thread by several different mods, so it seems likely their POV has some merit to it. At this point, Churchill needs to understand that he has earned zero benefit of the doubt and should change how he posts if he wants to cause less drama or else he understands perfectly and doesn’t care or wants more drama.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

I mean, when you’ve been banned what, 5+ times, by 3+ different mods for posting antivaxx or from sources that are very obscure/antivaxx how you react here is very important! If you were posting here in good faith, then people did some further research on your posts and went “hey dude, your sources were kind of bad for x, y and z reasons.” I’d maybe…not do the same thing another 20 times, while ignoring the criticisms? That’s pure trolling at this stage. It would be fine if anyone did this kind of thing once or twice, then when criticized went “oops, my bad I’ll do better.” It’s been a whole year and a half of this multiple times a week.

Why are we acting like it’s so innocent? It’s clearly just trolling, no reasonable person would react in the way they have otherwise.


It also doesn’t help that Churchill pulls stuff like creating his own graphic consisting of:




…and presenting it as if it’s pulled directly from the study. He’s basically Buzzfeed.


WTF is this “BEE BEE CEE” shit Jal and Church are always on about? Seems like blatant trolling afaict.


I don’t think CN or Wookie push back nearly as hard at someone who is not churchill posting the same content. I understand why they have whatever bias you think is toxic. (And what if that bias is both toxic and justified?) It’s because they think this thread is a special place worth defending. It’s not because of some irrational, personal animus against certain posters.

I’m not going to accuse churchill of being an anti-vaxxer or a troll, but I do think he is being an ineffective communicator for whatever point he is trying to make.

Perception doesn’t have to match reality and the perception stretches back towards previous threads.

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I’ve seen you and Jal both doing it in the last 24 hours and I’d appreciate it if you’d knock it off.

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it is quite common in academia to choose not to publish something for fear of being ridiculed. this is an important counter incentive to all the rewards that come with publishing an alarmist paper on a poorly-constructed experiment that will no doubt go viral in the magasphere.

the “system” is probably harsher than you realize until experiencing some humiliation, but in the face of a public health crisis (which is now entirely preventable) the institutions still working to end it probably do not care. i’m not sure it’s possible to care about the feelings of a random on the internet reposting a youtube of a channel that’s 50% straddling the line, and 50% pushing something anti-scientific.

although it is also evident that the clickbait profits are growing at the time of covid, and academia has been getting owned by misinformation and fake science for some time.


Churchill you link back to another reason why I think you are an anti-vaxxer. In that exchange, you state that ‘vaccines don’t appear to be preventing transmission’. Do you still believe that?

I mean I know people who got the vaccine so they could go to family gatherings and not be socially shunned, but they still think it’s all BS and vaccines don’t work whatsoever, so it’s possible to be a vaccinated anti-vaxxer!

I don’t care who started it, I’m asking you to please stop because it feels like you’re rather blatantly trying to provoke and rile people up.

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In a well tested population, the stats would seem to confer (it’s why UK had no different masking rules for the vaxxed or unvaxxed) To explain, it would appear we have slightly lower numbers of positives pre and post vax schedule at c. 70% fully vaxxed.


Around about the same time, yourself and Wookie were quoting basic germ therory as being the reason vaxxed could never spread it - contrary to the press over here

This is just wrong, and it’s exactly why I say it’s impossible to argue with your imagination. You just make up shit we said and then call us hypocrites for it.

At a very basic level, we knew Pfizer was ~90% effective out of the gate, so people who were vaxxed could still catch the disease and display symptoms. It’s just basic germ theory that such people would also be capable of spreading it.


I think the claim was that people who are immune won’t spread the disease, or it will happen very rarely. There are always going to be some % of people who get vaxxed but don’t become immune for whatever reason.