COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

It’s not an ad hominem attack to point out that churchill is posting anti-vax garbage from anti-vax sources. His work yesterday also makes his other posts make a lot more sense, he’s reading stupid shit from people pushing various falsehoods about vaccines.

Just got my booster!

Feeling completely normal 3 hours later, will report back if that changes


No one is saying this ITT.

You weren’t, but ok.

This is obviously true, and you don’t understand how science works if you think otherwise.

While not 100% identical, they’re pretty damn close and early on it was best to take whatever you could get.

Your post is a mixture of not understanding stuff like ‘correlation vs causation’ and some creative remembering.

Looks like the morons have moved from “it’s just repackaged horse paste” to “it will alter your DNA”

Revisionist history itt.

Misleading posts about what people have said isn’t helpful. Multiple people have said very clearly that you should still get a booster, regardless of what that study says.

It might be true that it can integrate into the genetic material of mammalian cells and cause birth defects though. Other drugs like it are fine, others are not. Other drugs like this can be anything from HIV meds that are perfectly safe to chemotherapy that is not.

It’s currently contraindicated in pregnant women.

I had no reaction to the second shot, had a 24-hour 2-degree fever from the booster. My wife had the reverse. All Pfizer. Who knows?

Vaccines possibly waning isn’t the issue, the issue was with the study itself and the source it came from.


“Not an Anti-Vaxxer, But #1 with Anti-Vaxxers”


Churchill has been called an antivaxxer because it came out he got that study from an antivaxxer source. He didn’t stumble across that study on his own and say hey guys look at what I found either.

It’s not that Chruchill posted a flawed study. It’s that he got it from a source he knew to be full of quackery, because he deliberately hid where he got it from.

Can you please stop with this?

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Look I get that you think this is clever or some gotcha, but it’s not. Coming at me about masks because you misremember something isn’t as cutting as you might think.

lol, whatever you say, boss. I know I can’t win an argument against your imagination.

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Do you think that repeatedly posting low quality evidence that vaccines are effective methods of preventing covid helps or hurts vaccine uptake?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

Last I remember is that evidence is mixed on the effectiveness of mask mandates, likely because mask mandates and actually widespread use of masks are two very different things. Hope that helps any misunderstandings you might have!

dude. Anyways JT, sorry bud this nonsense ends this discussion

Churchill isnt an anti-vaxxer.

I think that wasnt a great post because that youtube is a garbage source and I hope he reconsiders using it or takes what that guy says with a huge grain of salt, but he’s pretty clearly not anti-vax.

Not sure what everyone is angry about. Pretty clear consensus there is some waning immunity from vaxxes and that we will all likely need at least a third shot at some point.