COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

You very well know that waning effectiveness isn’t controversial. It’s the amount you posted from a nonsense antivaxxer who read a very poor paper that is controversial.

Can’t you guys troll the crypto thread or something instead for a change?

I posted the one screenshot from the ‘anti-vaxxer’ with 5x your PQE

If you stop the misrepresentation, I can stop the one screenshot from the video accurately stating the %'s from the CA study, buddy

I guess taking shots is only afforded to the (self) chosen ones.

Thanks for admitting you’ve been taking shots at people. Maybe stop or go shit up a different thread for a change?


You’re really going to go to bat for a nurse pushing ivermectin dude? Ok buddy.

I’ve never said anything like that.

No churchill, he’s an ER nurse with a doctorate in nursing education. He is woefully unqualified to talk about scientific literature. His education and training is nothing compared to mine.

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You’re an ER doc, get over yourself lol.

Imagine thinking that churchill is getting taken to task just for saying that vaccine efficacy is waning.

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Every single MD and DO that has completed a residency has more training in evaluating scientific literature than this person. It’s not a hard bar to clear. Nurses are not trained in how to evaluate scientific literature.

Damn, guess I’m not on the jbro approved list.

That’s confusing, because you do have a captain avatar.


I’m still confused on how we know Striker is a captain. Was he ever addressed as such in the movie? I don’t remember that, but I haven’t seen it in ages.

I could swear C3PO calls him “Captain Solo” at some point.

I was talking about Wookie’s avatar. Who are you talking about?

I just had a temporary brain aneurysm. All better now.


Retired, but yes:

Rumack: Well, I don’t have anything to say, you’ve done the best you could. You really have, the best you could. You can’t expect to win 'em all. But, I want to tell you something I’ve kept to myself through these years. I was in the war myself, medical corps. I was on late duty one night when they brought in a badly wounded pilot from one of the raids. He could barely talk. He looked at me and said, “The odds were against us up there, but we went in anyway, I’m glad the Captain made the right decision.” The pilot’s name was George Zipp.

Ted Striker: George Zipp said that?

Rumack: The last thing he said to me, “Doc,” he said, “some time when the crew is up against it, and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to get out there and give it all they got and win just one for the Zipper. I don’t know where I’ll be then, Doc,” he said, “but I won’t smell too good, that’s for sure.”

Ted Striker: Excuse me doc, I got a plane to land.

Pretty standard for the commander of a squadron in the Air Force to have that rank.



Flu test is the biggest waste of money I’ve ever heard of, they’re not gonna do anything even if you test positive so what the hell is the point.

I assume covid is a specific reason, that’s dumb as hell too though same thing.