COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

The definition they use is like two paragraphs, man

Yeah this is what I think. Life in Australia is increasingly untenable for those making a PERSONAL CHOICE, like she works for the police force and Iā€™m not sure yet if vaccination is a condition of employment for SA Police, but it is for sure in other state police like Victoria. In covid hotspots which are opening up due to high vax rates you have to show proof of vax to go to restaurants etc. Since this is all just emotional reaction first, rationalization later, it wouldnā€™t be surprising if what she desires to rationalize has changed.

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Subsequent policies and discussions have attempted to define GOF in different ways, but no single definition has been widely accepted by the community. The fuzzy and imprecise nature of the term has led to misunderstandings and has hampered discussions on how to properly assess the benefit of such experiments and biosafety measures

I mean, youā€™re a lawyer, you know people can argle bargle for days over the precise meanings of terms.

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Super good news from my hospital, we are taking advantage of all the recent firing for not being vaccinated throughout the state and hiring these unvaccinated caregivers! HR is also showing them how to properly fill out a religious exemption form. I think Iā€™m going to be looking for a new job soon.


This work?

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This one pops up on Reddit HCAs a lot, makes me laugh every time. So dedicated to the troll, you make your own profile photo a zombie lmao.

We can do this!

Wow, thatā€™s fucking ridiculous.

I can kind of understand trying to being a little more flexible if itā€™s people who already work there. But to actually hire someone who you know is unvaccinated in a state where there is a fucking mandate pretty fucking sad.

One of the Twitter replies.

ā€œIt was the name of a sled he had as a childā€


Ethics check: Iā€™m travelling to Vegas in november. The UK is only offering booster jabs to 50+ at the moment with no clear timetable for anyone else getting it. Would it be possible/ would it be a jerk move to go to a vax site in Vegas fake an American accent and try to get boostered?

I donā€™t see anything wrong with that ethically - not like weā€™re using our doses here. They checked ID when I got my shots, though, and a passport might raise eyebrows.

Pfizer 3 report: Local pain at injection site for a day and a half, maybe a touch worse than the other 2. After 24 hours felt a bit off, little hot/cold action, but otherwise ok. Tracked with the first two shots (didnā€™t have strong reactions to either). 36 hours later no problem good to go A+++ would recommend.


Rather than faking an American accent I think youā€™d have better luck just being like ā€œhey, Iā€™m british but I live here, hereā€™s my passport, can I have a shot?ā€


zero need to fake the accent but listening to brits try to do yank accents is like my favorite guilty pleasure so plz do it


Do you think I can go as far as to be like hey Iā€™m here on holiday but I want that sweet mircochip plz jab me or do you think there needs to be at least some level of subterfuge?

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Itā€™s looking almost certain that the Pfizer vaccine is going to be approved for kids. New data from the trials released this morning.

My pharmacy website states that they will ask for ID but you will not be turned away if you donā€™t have it.

You are overestimating how much they are likely to care.

The only issue is will you have a proper record if required later.

Itā€™s weird because over here they are super mega strict on who can get a jab. You need an official NHS message to even apply and they double check all your info at the vax site. Also it feels like weā€™re gonna need boosters twice a year for a while. By the time these idiot tories get their act together itā€™ll probably be time for booster #2 anyway.

Yes, this. Plenty of non-Americans live in America.

Hereā€™s how I would do it if I were you.

  1. Make sure you sign up for an appt online. It works better than just showing up, from what I can tell. The reason is that they are kind of prepared for you and are somewhat committed to giving you the jab.

  2. When they ask for your ID, just give them your passport. When they ask for insurance, just say you donā€™t have any (doesnā€™t matter, itā€™s free).

  3. If they ask why youā€™ve got a British passport, say that you just moved here for work. There is probably no need for this, but it will probably make it smoother if it gets this far.

If you are refused you can try a different pharmacy with same strategy. Or just say you donā€™t have ID. If it takes you more than 2 attempts to get a jab, I would be shocked.