COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

You always have the gloomiest outlook. You’re like the reference point for gloomy by which all other outlooks are measured.

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We have 750k+dead in the US alone, are currently at high levels of death and illness, and dont really have a path out yet even for the richest countries, never mind for the poorer places. So yeah, Im a little down about how things are going in a lot of ways.

It isnt all bad, life goes on even if Im not eating out in restaurants. There are paths to better days that we may eventually choose to take (mass rapid tests, N-95 standard in public until transmission is very low, vax passports) that will help make things better and probably new technologies for treatment for vaxxes and for antivirals and such that can get us back to close to 2019.

Just realistic about the timeline, we are going to be talking and dealing with COVID and mitigating for awhile longer.

EDIT: and heck, most of the country just has moved on anyways, so individually can just give up and go YOLO any time anyone wants

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Whataburger dominates in and out.

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Patrick Mahomes single-handedly brought like 30 Whataburgers to KC and the surrounding area, or something like that.

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Last whatburger i had about 6 months ago had something in it, like a paper label or something.
Not sure i want to know what it was.
Be awhile before i talk myself into trying again.

Once while eating some sort of stuffed pepper @ a local tex-mex, i almost swallowed a stainless steel wire used to attach tag to pepper at the store i guess.

I have a depolorable uncle who wont eat in most restaurants. I am starting to think maybe he got this right.

nice to see yahoo going full breitbart

If this is accurate, the vaccine approval for ages 5-11 seems to be a foregone conclusion.


I’ve definitely noticed this about Newsweek.

Lol Newsweek is probably paying $35 per 1000 words or something.

Newsweek got bought out by some clickbait company a few years ago. They’re no longer even pretending to be a legit news magazine anymore.

Boosters for jnj2, moderna, mix and match just approved


it’s worth remembering that if flu vaccines were better and/or if a significantly higher percentage of population took it, deaths from flu would be lower.

You got Moderna x2 originally and have options for a booster, what’s your pick:

  • Pfizer
  • Moderna
  • J&J

0 voters

Snarfed down my gluttonous 3rd vial of science juice. Stabby lady said I should buckle up for a fun day tomorrow since it wrecks “young people”, but maybe she was just trying to make me feel special.

Very hard to reconcile seeing multiple boomers getting their third dose while rolling maskless. Makes my head hurt.


I was just thinking that very question tonight. I’d get either Moderna or Pfizer if one was easier to obtain.

I’m thinking I’ll get a booster early Dec, since that will be a little over 6m and should give me peak immunity for when I visit my family.

Seems like the consensus is 3rd Moderna so I’ll look for that.

Pharmacy websites haven’t gotten the memo that Moderna boosters are approved, so guess I’ll wait.

Does anyone know if Moderna booster is/will be shipped out in different vials, or if they use the same vials and just give half as much per shot?

Moderna is shipped in a multi dose vial already so I’m guess they’d just pull .25 ml instead of .5

It transpires that my gf’s sister, who has been antivax, says she’s happy to get Novavax. As many people ITT probably know, Pfizer (which she rejects, I’m not totally sure why) is a set of mRNA instructions to make the spike protein… while Novavax just IS the goddamn spike protein, injected directly into your body. I have no idea why this short-circuited version is more appealing. I don’t know if she knows that it’s the spike protein and I am for sure not asking her if she knows this until after she is double dosed.


wth I thought it was a socal chain. I think I was told that anyways. I mean yeah when I go out towards the beach cities I’m not looking for fast food lol. My friends out that way are hippies and I’m eating like indian food and pho.

Absolutely amazed they haven’t expanded, Bakers GOAT fast food/