COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

The ADA?! What the fuck?

Honestly this is why we should never accept those slippery slope arguments from conservatives and moderates based on “we can’t do X because later Republicans might use it as Y”. They are going to do that no matter what. Conservatives will try to abuse all legislation, so accepting slippery slope arguments just falls into their trap and tacitly admits that all legislation is undesirable. Here we are seeing that the ADA, an absolute landmark net positive for society, is being twisted by Republicans. OH NO THE SLIPPERY SLOPES WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE HELPED THOSE DISABLED PEOPLE!


Effectiveness of vaccines drop in US after Delta surge

The effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines against infection dropped from 91% before the Delta variant became dominant to 66% afterwards, according to a large study of health workers in the US.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been examining the performance of the two vaccines since they were authorised among healthcare staff and other frontline workers.

Thousands of workers across six states were tested weekly and upon onset of Covid-19 symptoms, allowing researchers to estimate efficacy.

Vaccine effectiveness was estimated at 91% in the initial study period of 14 December 2020 to 10 April 2021.

But during weeks in the run-up to 14 August, when the more contagious Delta variant became dominant, effectiveness fell to 66%.

The report’s authors said there were a number of caveats, including that the protection from vaccines could be waning over time anyway, and the 66% estimate was based on a relatively short study period with few infections.

As we have been reporting today, a UK study has found that protection against infection in people who have been double-jabbed seems to fade over time.

The real-world study includes data on positive Covid PCR test results between May and July 2021 among more than a million people who had received two doses of Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine.

Protection after two shots of Pfizer decreased from 88% at one month to 74% at five to six months.

For AstraZeneca, the fall was from 77% to 67% at four to five months.

Agencies are reportedly divided on whether the virus - first seen in China - was the result of a natural spillover from animal to human or was caused by a laboratory accident.

A summary of the report is expected to be published in the coming days.

My hospital has gone on diversion 3 out of the last 4 nights I’ve worked

We set a new record for the number of admission holds in the Emergency Room by the time I left at 7 a.m.: 42 people waiting for a bed to open up upstairs.

We only have 39 actual rooms with doors in the Emergency Room, the rest were on stretchers in the hallways.

It actually wasn’t so much Covid positives driving the overcrowding, though there were some.

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(h) A public entity may impose legitimate safety requirements necessary for the safe operation of its services, programs, or activities. However, the public entity must ensure that its safety requirements are based on actual risks, not on mere speculation, stereotypes, or generalizations about individuals with disabilities.

But it’s also pretty lollerific that they are still citing the droplet theory of 18 months ago. It’s still wrong, but at least vaguely plausible that you could accommodate a sick person in a droplet world by just sitting them far away from other students. Of course, what if they have some non-COVID disease that spreads differently?

I am once again begging to end public comments. It normalizes lunacy.

I don’t think it ever changed. They were told covid wasn’t a big deal, and that’s what they actually believe. What they say is just a collection of talking points to win arguments against the libs no matter what. Oh, you say covid is a big deal? Well thanks to Trump there’s a vaccine you can take, so you’re welcome. It’s not something they’re going to take though. Doing so would require rethinking their first talking point and giving up ground to the libs.


Sorry, got to know what people* are thinking

*people having the time and money to be free and self selected to care about whatever think they want to talk about

Parks and Rec made this point a decade ago.


Can confirm, got my first Pfizer shot at one on Monday. Seems like the Australian government is finally getting it’s act together on the vaccine rollout.


I think you’re a little too focused on vaccines in particular with your counterpoint #1. When I said distrust of science and expertise, I meant that much more broadly, including climate change denial, Sarah Palin’s dismissal of fruit fly research, disdain for higher education in general, and disregard of any sort of study that contradicts conservative orthodoxy. Vaccines weren’t a major part of this until they became a major focus of those out of touch hippie commie pinko leftist scientists who say that the pandemic is a serious thing we have to take seriously when it’s really just the flu.

I recall polling for vaccine hesitancy being pretty polarized even before the JnJ pause, even if he had a modest but measurable effect.

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It’s not just vaccines. Deplorables are much more hawkish on some particular aspects of COVID than librulz - e.g. the lab leak theory. Part of this is that they just think this makes daddy look better, part of it is that they have no principles and will just mash whatever button they think will work without regard for consistency, sure. But they’re still mashing it.

Kinda tangentally, your broader point about conservative distrust of science and expertise in general is too broad IMO, given the focus of the tweet I was responding to.

Your forgot racism wrt lab leak.


Went to deadwood, SD and left pretty quick when it was clear that my family and one other couple were the only ones wearing masks out of several hundred people on the streets

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As most of you know, I have a son here on CP, royr17 aka III. He is sick with it, his fiance is in the hospital, her 12 yr old son that has been taking chemo for a brain tumor, as well as my grandson, Roy IV whom is also 12 is sick. They are having it hard, I’ve been thinking of heading to Louisville to help them in some capacity.

I know it’s a likely chance of getting it too, even though I’ve been vaccinated with the JNJ vaccine.

They all could use some prayers up in Louisville.

From chiefsplanet. Further posting reveals the kid on chemo (probably) couldn’t get vaccinated. But the kids two parents also weren’t vaccinated. Way to look out for your immunocompromised son.

Sounds like the other 12 year old wasn’t vaccinated and one or both of the 12-year-olds came home with it on their first or second day of school. What a shitshow.

Solid find suzzer, was just coming to post this.

It’s been… interesting is the word I’ll go with… to see peer review play out in public in real time.