COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Still better then nothing. MIght discourage international leisure travel which seems like a good thing right now. Remember that it’s not just the honor system because a lot of people also have jobs that might not let them come into work while quarantined, etc.

No. Did you read the article?



I want to think long-term and come up with a way to track people that has applications well beyond COVID.

The full article actually says the pattern isn’t that different from early stage delta and there were other confounding factors. Definitely wouldn’t read anything into the toddler stuff yet.

@Churchill knock off this continuous shitting on USA’s testing and not finding a case. It’s been constant for days now.

Shit like this is not helpful in the slightest and comes off as direct trolling. Enough.


I don’t think this sort of database is feasible. People fucking hated the proposed bank reporting requirement, which is a very baby version.

Were you past 6 months already?

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I’m sorry, but what are you talking about? Here’s the lede from that article:

Children under the age of 2 account for about 10% of total hospital admissions in the omicron epicenter Tshwane in South Africa, according to the National Institute for Communicable Diseases.

What is weaselly about that? I agree it’s extremely surprising, which is why I posted it, but it’s also well-sourced.

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Yes I was.

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Fauci direct quote (left in the thread on the breaking news of omicron) was that ‘it could be in the US but we won’t know for a while yet’ - think he said 7 days - is the guy psychic or is he hinting that NFI until the results come back which is gonna take at least 7 days?

More kids are being admitted than during the early stages of the country entering the current fourth wave of infections, although a similar trend occurred during the third wave when delta was dominant, said Waasila Jassat,
public health specialist at the institute.

She said that part of the increased rate of admissions may reflect extra precaution on the part of parents given the new concern about the mutation. A pediatric report due later this week should provide more information.

In Tswane, the municipality that includes the capital Pretoria, 52 children under the age of 2 diagnosed with the coronavirus have been admitted and one has died, Jassat said. It’s not yet clear whether they contracted omicron, currently the region’s dominant strain.

“People are more likely to admit children as a precaution because if you treat them at home something can go wrong – especially very young children because there is a higher proportion of death,” Jaffat said.

Just for context

I meaning it’s a great idea to test before they get on the plane, but an even better idea testing them as they step off (from the risky countries) - like Netherlands etc. proved when they found 60 with it and 14 of those with Omicron

It makes it sound like 10 percent of the covid hospital admissions are toddlers. But that’s not what it’s saying. Anyway my main issue wasn’t even with the article, t was with the completely out of context graphic posted by another user without the actual link to the article.

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Yeah, I think it’s a fine article, but it does mention that a similar thing happened in SA when delta came out. Also, neighboring provinces in SA aren’t seeing a spike. What is going on seems a bit mysterious. It’s a data point, I wouldn’t call it bullshit.

Absolute horseshit.

Yeah, uh, as someone working personally with people in the USA who are testing for omicron, it is most definitely news to me that they don’t actually exist and everything with omicron is actually happening in UK#1.

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The intriguing part is that he seems to think the US’s entire sequencing effort costs $5M, which seems optimistic.

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Only what we’re spending on omicron, ldo

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a simple bluetooth device that checks in randomly would suffice

Sadly that 10% figure does seem to constitute covid admissions alone:

They give the raw figure here (Jassat is an NICD public health specialist and seems to be their main spokesperson for this stuff):

In Tshwane, the municipality that includes the capital Pretoria, 52 children under the age of two years diagnosed with the coronavirus have been admitted and one has died, Jassat said. It’s not yet clear whether they contracted Omicron, now the region’s dominant strain.

At the time of reporting the entire province of Gauteng had lodged just over 1k Covid hospital admissions total in the last 3 weeks. I cant find the district numbers easily but Tshwane only constitutes 1/4 of Gauteng’s population and we know that next door Johannesburg has also seen an appreciable rise in hospital admissions.

Seems reasonable to assume that 52 would equal 10% of Tshwane’s share of Gauteng’s overall covid admissions.

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