COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

a simple bluetooth device that checks in randomly would suffice

Sadly that 10% figure does seem to constitute covid admissions alone:

They give the raw figure here (Jassat is an NICD public health specialist and seems to be their main spokesperson for this stuff):

In Tshwane, the municipality that includes the capital Pretoria, 52 children under the age of two years diagnosed with the coronavirus have been admitted and one has died, Jassat said. Itā€™s not yet clear whether they contracted Omicron, now the regionā€™s dominant strain.

At the time of reporting the entire province of Gauteng had lodged just over 1k Covid hospital admissions total in the last 3 weeks. I cant find the district numbers easily but Tshwane only constitutes 1/4 of Gautengā€™s population and we know that next door Johannesburg has also seen an appreciable rise in hospital admissions.

Seems reasonable to assume that 52 would equal 10% of Tshwaneā€™s share of Gautengā€™s overall covid admissions.

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Iā€™m sure this isnā€™t news to anyone but the NBAs research is interesting to me.

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Yeah the caveat is that hospitals arenā€™t under pressure there, at least at the start of this wave, and there is understandable concern over the variant. So the speculation from the professional in the article is they may just be admitting those under two more as, typically, very young children are treated extra cautiously with viral symptoms.

The doctor quoted in the article said give them a week and theyā€™ll have a better view.

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So itā€™s been in Scotland a minimum of two weeks, probably much longer.

Uh chips in an injectable disguised as something beneficial maybe?

But since that analysis, Merck collected data from an additional 646 peopleā€”and in this batch of people, the benefit of molnupiravir disappeared. Of 322 people in the placebo group, 15 were hospitalized and one died. That is, the rate of hospitalization and death was about 4.7 percent with a placebo. Of 324 people who received molnupiravir, 20 were hospitalized and one died. Thatā€™s a rate of hospitalization and death of 6.2 percent, which is slightly higher than the rate in the placebo group.

I actually meant to call out LG but got distracted. It is bullshit that we are 20th in the world in sequencing, because sequencing runs per covid case arenā€™t a terribly relevant metric when a massive chunk of the country thinks that getting sick isnā€™t something that should be prevented and that having massive Covid parties is freedom. We are number one in the world in total sequencing and hampered by a huge denominator that not enough people want to do anything about. Those are different entities, and it is hardly fair to say that the sequencers are incompetent because of the people who want the virus to win. Churchill, of course, was the first to present this bullshit.


Just found out I have C-19. Figure I got it from my little sister who I hung out with on Thanksgiving.

She told me she was positive on Sunday and then I took an at-home test that night which was negative. The next morning I took a lab test which I got the results for earlier this evening.

Some of this might be me being anxious but Iā€™ve felt pretty dazed and sore for the last few hours and do have a light cough. My birthday was on Saturday night and Iā€™m worried I may have infected the small group of vaxxed folks I was with as well as some coworkers today.

Does anyone whoā€™s been through this have any advice on home therapy outside of horse paste?


Drink plenty of water.


Pfizer drug is still a gamechanger. Looks like the Merck pill not so much.

Get a prescription strength cough medicine if thatā€™s a symptom. For my Dads breakthrough case, that made the difference as far as comfort. (Iā€™m sure the antibodies helped too, but he got the cough med about 24h before the Abs).

I mean the kind that knocks you out (as long as you donā€™t have narcotic dependency issues).

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This was my experience exactly (Pfizer x2, Moderna). I got it on a Friday, since I wanted to be prepared for the worst. I also got it at 11AM and that Friday night was rough. It hit me pretty quick. I was feeling fine for most of the afternoon and evening, and then relatively quickly I got knocked on my ass. But by Sunday I was pretty close to normal. Not looking forward to my next booster, which Iā€™m sure is in the cards at some point.

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Huh. I did Modx2 the Pfi. Next to nothing on the booster. Pfi is probably just water. P for Placebo?

So what will be the scenario when I plan to fly home from Germany end of next week

  • Omicron is a yawn, no travel changes
  • Some form of self quarantine
  • Tent city for Ten days
  • Come home in a body bag

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Take it up with Michael Osterholm, Iā€™m certainly not offended if heā€™s wrong.

Now you guys know why I didnā€™t post it originally, lol, I donā€™t want any part of the US sequencing wars.


I am not so sure that Omicron is a yawn, but Iā€™m very confident in ā€œno travel changesā€ assuming youā€™re flying into the US.

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Did you have to test to board a flight before? If not you might have to do that.

FYI, we will pour out some Old English for you if worst comes to worst.


I was hesitant to get first shots back in April. I wanted to wait and see if maybe covid just went away and I could dodge getting the vaccine. I got vaccinated and it was obviously the correct play. Iā€™m having the same feelings now with the booster. My reasoning is we donā€™t really know how much the Pfizer vaccine wanes. Maybe spacing out the booster even longer is better? With this new variant maybe they alter the vaccine and then I have to get another shot? Iā€™m isolated and havenā€™t changed much since the beginning of all this and Iā€™m a low risk. These things have been making me delay getting my booster.