COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Hooray -_-

EDIT: Okay, days after. All good!

What’s the disinformation? Israel reported months ago that they were investigating a potential 1/1,000,000 chance of heart side effects. This hasn’t been peer reviewed yet and the US is currently investigating.

Lets assume it’s all true - you take a vaccine which has a 1 in a million chance of heart inflammation which is most likely immediately treatable. A small handful of people of people may die.

You still snap take that vaccine.

We regularly take vaccines with worse odds than that. And those are for side effects we’ve confirmed.

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I find it extremely doubtful that anyone would be able to link Eriksens heart attack with a covid vaccine - I don’t think things work that way - so that is 100% disinformation.

Separately the facts in the article are what they are - 62 cases in 5 million.

More long Covid-19 twitter threads…

Eriksen didn’t have COVID and was unvaccinated.

If this is confirmed, then these Erickson posts should be removed. Not that part about potential inflammation, just the soccer player part.

This kind of science has basically never panned out in any meaningful way. Could this be significant now? Sure I guess, but I remain deeply skeptical.

We had a post-vaccine myocarditis in our ER that gets >70k visits per year last week.

sure but they regularly tested players throughout the season. Without a positive covid test, you can’t say it’s related to covid. What happened is a known thing that happens to a few athletes every year.

Color me skeptical on “oh yeah even though he never tested positive for COVID maybe it was COVID” but, regardless, what does that quote have to do with a vaccine causing heart inflammation?

The article itself isn’t disinformation and posting it seems fine, but the eriksen stuff is just not relevant to the vaccines.

How’s that working out?


Interesting. No idea how to confirm, dr opinions?

I don’t doubt that there are going to be some long term effects of the virus. Some of the symptoms of “long” Covid will turn out to have a clear physiological basis beyond the obvious lung damage stuff. I’m also certain that some things will remain nebulous and never scientifically associated-falling.

In my non scientific opinion, yes this will happen no doubt…

I’m posting these articles here in case anything relevant is in there that I’d miss as a layperson.


Ok, thanks for clarifying

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Here’s a sign I saw the other day:

“Masks required for anyone who is unvaccinated (except if medically unable to receive vaccine).”

Anyone else seen one of these (Edit: specifically the part in parentheses) ?

Something similar in a lot of places but zero enforcement it is all honor system

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Seen the “Masks required for anyone who is unvaccinated” all over the place.

The parenthetical is something I’ve never seen. And for good reason; it’s nonsensical.

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Yes at various times, but I unfortunately don’t have specific posts at my finger tips. COVID potentially affecting the heart isn’t new news, various studies on it have been discussed. The scariest study turned out to be less bad upon further work iirc. As CN points out, unlikely to be the case for Ericksen specifically as he was regularly tested so unlikely to have had undetected COVID.

Yeah, that’s the part I’m was meaning to ask about.