COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Yeah there’s nothing inherently less dumb about Belushi cutting a sandwich with a samurai sword or shouting cheeseburger cheeseburger, than Kenan Thompson doing a silly dance and bumping Lindsay Buckingham from a talk show for the 17th time. There was always a ton of stupid stuff that gets remembered fondly for some reason.

I’m pretty sure when Chris Farley was on SNL people were telling me it was way better when Belushi was on and when Kate McKinnon was being excellent people just complained that they missed Chris Farley. I think griping about the show’s decline is just part of being a fan of the show.

Kate Mckinnon is an all time top level cast member and Bowen Yang will be great too.

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Yeah, Kate McKinnon’s impressions of men in particular almost always have me rolling.


So self-inflicted, it is so frustrating. Case rates in my city now 0.6/100,000/day and ten weeks since the last death. Arguable masks inside arent necessary at this case level. Maybe there will be more issues this winter, maybe not, but if we could just get everyone vaccinated this would be super manageable right now. Even with the legit concerns over variants there seemed to be little evidence that Delta can cause a wave in a heavily vaccinated with 2 dose of mRNA population.

Mostly agree with this, but I’d say peak SNL was early 90s. Carver, Hartman, Myers, Farley and a ton of other all time greats in this period. I think the weakest part of the show then was Weekend Update, which is now the strongest part, imo.


Despite that, Weekend Update was the predecessor to shows like Dennis Miller Live and Politically Incorrect which inspired shows like The Daily Show and Last Week Tonight.

The 90s was definitely peak SNL. You missed Sandler and Ferrell on the list of the 90s too. Just a crazy good cast.

Went to Costco today. Masks on about 10% of the people and toilet paper was on sale.

And most of the posts in this thread today are about Saturday Night Live.

Pandemic is fucking OVER.

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Well, in most of the first world it is until everybody needs booster shots.

It’s fucking up the developing world big time. There have been more covid deaths this year so far than all of 2020.

Yes but remember in the US, red states aren’t first world.

cole tardskie

I’m in the Blue Mountains at the moment, which is considered Greater Sydney. On Wednesday a limo driver was diagnosed with the Delta strain of COVID. He was 60 years old and part of his job was driving around international flight crews and he wasn’t vaccinated nor had been doing the required daily saliva tests. So gjge there.

But anyway, the reason I’m poasting is that he gave is to another guy at a shopping mall and CCTV recorded only a fleeting contact, where they passed within about a foot of each other briefly. This Delta strain is good at getting passed on via incidental contact.

We’re due to fly home tomorrow night (Sun morning US time). Crossing fingers that the contact tracers got this under control. If a mystery case pops up, SA will probably require us to 14 day quarantine when we get back.


On my walk today 4 different park bathrooms were out of soap. We’re back to normal baby!


You should be fine. If shit hits the fan then it will still not be until Monday numbers are released. I am glad I have made no plans beyond dinner tonight as there is a good chance more restrictions are coming.

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I’m seeing about 2-3 people with the same nausea vomiting and diarrhea per shift! Progress!

Still no Trader Joes free samples yet though. :(

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Hooray -_-

EDIT: Okay, days after. All good!

What’s the disinformation? Israel reported months ago that they were investigating a potential 1/1,000,000 chance of heart side effects. This hasn’t been peer reviewed yet and the US is currently investigating.

Lets assume it’s all true - you take a vaccine which has a 1 in a million chance of heart inflammation which is most likely immediately treatable. A small handful of people of people may die.

You still snap take that vaccine.

We regularly take vaccines with worse odds than that. And those are for side effects we’ve confirmed.

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I find it extremely doubtful that anyone would be able to link Eriksens heart attack with a covid vaccine - I don’t think things work that way - so that is 100% disinformation.

Separately the facts in the article are what they are - 62 cases in 5 million.

More long Covid-19 twitter threads…