COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I’m looking forward to the Olympics. Basically every day is Groundhog day for me so it will give me something to break up the monotony.

Can confirm this is true.

Yet at the same time, with about a month to go, at the rate vaccinations are gathering speed, especially in Tokyo, the Japanese government might, just might, pull it off while narrowly averting a health disaster.

Tokyo has undergone a massive construction overhaul in preparation for the Olympics (although to be fair, the city is always undergoing nonstop development), and there’s no way the structures built for it will ever end up being unused or unwanted.

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Though it’s yet to be official, I’m finally getting close to being able to get my vax. Recently Tokyo and Osaka opened up walk-ins to the general population as they are unable to fill up appointments with olds only.

And the same thing is beginning to happen in my city, so it’s only a matter of time before vaxxes are open to all and I can resume a normal life for the first time in nearly two years.


Standing in line to get my second dose of Biontech/Pfizer right now. The weather is good. Life is great.


US 7DMA now down to 12,200 per NYtimes tracker, FL data drops tonight so that’ll be our first real indication of whether we’ve nationally bottomed out or we’re still dropping.

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Looks like Texas had a weird data dump of 7k cases on 6/9 In the data I’ve been looking at. I hadn’t noticed it before. Thay skewed the numbers last week and dropped out on 6/16. I hate how bad reporting numbers have gotten.

Yeah, That’s why the 14dma on NYTims is probably still the only thing you can really look at. Still shows cases falling by about 20 percent. Certainly not as steep a fall as it was, but they’re still falling.

There is going to be a plateau as it continues to spread amongst the morons plus the kids who aren’t eligible yet.

Of course there will be rises in the worst vaccinated states.

My main worry is that there is a big overlap between the non-vaxxed and natural immunes so lots of selection opportunities for new variants to test themselves for immune system avoidance and better overall infectivity (and up in the air as far as disease causing but so far it seems as more infectious variants may cause more disease per infection even if it’s just a broader age range).

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15 months in and we’re still getting headline malpractice.

The article is about how important it is to be vaccinated because the vaccines prevent the worst outcomes even if you catch the variant.

Headlines being beyond terrible is standard. You could make an at least mediocre SNL skit about it.

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Is there any other kind of SNL skit?

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Grading on a curve.

Probably a scorching take, but I don’t think SNL is anywhere near as bad as most people say it is.


If you watch skits on YT like everything else is watched it’s not so bad. I wouldn’t think about watching the whole show.

Even when there have been really good casts I think that 25% of sketches at most are worth watching, but these past few years the cast has been shit. I think the problem is that the show’s profile has dropped to where it’s not a draw for good up and coming new talent, and it’s hard to get out of that death spiral once it starts.

Hearing the Euros post about getting the vaxx is like a time warp back to a few weeks ago.

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Delta is also so last week here

SNL has been exactly what it is and people have been saying the exact same things about it for as long as I can remember, which is back to the mid-80’s.


Pretty much this. My entire life I’ve heard people tell me that SNL was way better back in the day, even from people who couldn’t possibly have seen it in the 70’s-80’s. Arguably 70’s SNL did have incredible talent and had more of an indie punk rock vibe to it but people forget about all the filler material and also people back then had way fewer entertainment options. It’s always been good enough to keep people watching out of nostalgia and force of habit, plus they occasionally do something that’s funny enough to be memeworthy.

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