COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

i cannot believe they didn’t just hold olympics last year in a bubble without fans. rescheduling was pretty awful in retrospect

Disagree here. The issue wasn’t just the olympics in Tokyo, all the qualification stuff got absolutely screwed over. Wouldn’t have worked.

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Yeah I loved them when I was a kid, but by the time I was in my mid-twenties I was completely over it.

We’ve been paying people $100 to submit proof of vaccination, as of the last update that was sent out about 33% of the company had submitted proof.


Cases are flat, but deaths keep going down. Makes sense as the age of people with cases is surely dropping. There must be data by now on the immunity people get from prior infection. Quick googling suggests that “Lasting immunity found after recovery from COVID-19” is a thing.

(not a comment on whether or not there are non-death problems, but on how increasing immunity prevents further infection and mutations)

I’m using the NYtimes tracker. 6/9 7dma: 13,800, 6/16: 12,700. Nytimes also shows it down every day this week. Weird that the trackers don’t agree but the data is noisy right now. Today will be the FLorida dump. We’ll have to see how it compares to 6/10.

that’s true. qualifying was screwed. i am still impressed with how well the nba and nhl bubbles did, and with better TV/digital delivery while the world is in lockdown, it seemed like a watershed moment. olympics could have spread events over 3 months, instead of 16 days. they could have gotten twice the daily viewership online.

it could have redefined olympics. what they have now is trying to pull off a pre-pandemic event while not prepared. seems bad.

Deaths should keep going down for awhile just from the lag, not to mention your age point. I did some back of the envelope math up thread guessing where deaths might get to. Hopefully we do better than that.

Jman220, yeah, it is weird that the numbers dont match because I was just googling and pulling from the display which references the NY Times data, but the numbers dont apppear to match. Odd.

Japan had no interest in a closed door Olympics because most of the host country’s revenue comes from visitors while the TV money goes to the IOC.

If by “Japan” you mean the IOC and various corporations. The actual people of Japan mostly think it’s really dumb idea to have the Olympics there right now.

I mostly meant the government and the organizing committee.

I think this is generally true of the Olympics every year. Although there are lots and lots of people who irrationally want the Olympics in their city because of Civic Pride or other imaginary reasons, more and more people are recognizing the Olympics as a white elephant that saddles the host with more cost than benefits. Kind of like municipal stadium funding.

although they are mostly exceptions to the rule, aren’t there places that used the buildout for good? seems like tokyo had a better chance at that than most.

Salt Lake City is the only Olympics I can remember where locals actually seemed to want to have it.


I attended the downtown gathering Chicago held for their 2008 bid decision announcement. It didn’t go well.


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It also helps to hold it in places that already have a number of stadiums and arenas that are Olympics-ready (e.g. L.A.).

I remember that, the IOC kept telling the Chicago team to improve the “non technical” parts of the bid, so the Chicago team kept getting more famous people like Obama and Michael Jordan and Oprah to promote Chicago. They didn’t realize that what the IOC meant was to back up more trucks full of bribes.

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