COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

would about AZ and then Pfizer?

My sister got AZ in the UK through her doctor and then pfizer through the health service which apparently do not communicate. Thus, she has two first doses as i don’t think they allow mixing in the UK yet. probably won’t be able to get a vaccine passport, but has proof of two doses.

Wouldn’t rule out not boosted J&J ending up this way temporarily, but this should all be short term.

Anyone know what’s going on in Seychelles? Highest double vax rate in the world and highest cases per capita. It’s about 60/40 the chinese vaccine and AstraZeneca. There are thoughts the storage in the supply chain made all of the vaccines ineffective, but its pure speculation without any evidence.

Now combine this with some good airflow/ventilation design…

Imagine the overall impact the right controls system could have on overalll respiratory disease in institutional settings. Small fans with absorbent barriers.


Two cruise related items:

“A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again” is a great essay by David Foster Wallace.



I disagree that cases have plateau’d or are rising in the US generally. The 7dma is now down to 12,800, another new low not seen since March of 2020. The rate of decrease has decreased, but cases are still going down overall. We’ll know more tomorrow when Florida dumps its weekly report, but I bet we have fewer cases tomorrow overall then we had last Friday.

The only time I went on a cruise, it was paid for by my boss, so needless to say, it was quite enjoyable. Also, I knocked him (and Jim “Krazy Kanuck” Worth) out of a poker tournament and ended up finishing third for $3000.


Health Ministers in the CR are already ringing the alarm about Delta.

Sucks. Estimated reproductive rate here is 0.59

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Scientists in the United States are anxiously watching the Delta variant of Covid-19, as it spreads through an unevenly vaccinated American public and an economy that is rapidly reopening.

The Delta variant, first identified as B.1.617.2 in India, is believed to be more transmissible than both the original strain of Covid-19 and the Alpha strain, first identified in the United Kingdom.

Further, it remains unclear whether Delta will result in more serious disease. A recent Lancet study in Scotland found people were twice as likely to be hospitalized by what was believed to be the Delta variant compared with the Alpha variant.

However, the CDC has not said Delta produces more serious outcomes, and Pekosz said he believed it was too early to say whether Delta resulted in more hospitalizations.

What was reinforced by the Lancet study is that vaccines remain effective against Delta. The mRNA vaccine from Pfizer offered “very good” protection. A vaccine from AstraZeneca had “substantial but reduced” efficacy against Delta. AstraZeneca’s vaccine uses a different technology, called viral vector, to induce an immune response.

In the time it takes more Americans to be fully vaccinated, roughly five to six weeks, the Delta variant “will be the majority of US cases”, Dr Cyrus Shahpar, an epidemiologist and Covid-19 data director at the White House, said on Twitter. It is, “important to start building protection now”.

Well we are going to get a real world look at how effective the mRNA vaccines are vs Delta and also see some real suffering in the Trump states.

My guesses

mRNA protection will hold. US also seems to have the best traditional vaccine (J&J).

We will get boosters late 21 or early 22.

I have no prediction at how much antigen drift can occur, but I continue to stay…concerned especially in countries like India serving as perfect selection environments.

A handful of states will have significant surges this fall. Delta will be dominate when schools and colleges go back as normal with no protections in August. Put Alabama at the top of the list.

Sadly the (justified) historical reluctance to the vaccine means the AA community will take the brunt. Again.

Hopefully we have good enough data collection at this point to know what is going on.


I show 6/9 7 day average 11,839, 6/16 12,819 and I think the 7 day average was up week over week every day this week.

Also looked like number of tests were down with positivity rate up slightly so my thought was flattish reported numbers likely meant slight increase in cases.

But with states changing, reporting numbers are a bit funky. I hope you are right. I feel more confident in saying that the period of
universal declines in the US has ended than I do saying US cases overall are flat/increasing.

With such a wide difference in vaccination between states it’s probably time to start talking about the effect on communities rather than the US average.

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Totally agree, think I said that in an earlier post.

As of today my company is allowing vaccinated people to go maskless and stop social distancing but is still requiring unvaccinated people to wear masks and maintain distance. HR knows who’s vaccinated or not so it’s going to be interesting to see if the policy is actually enforced.


Vax passports would be such a nice thing to have implemented right now. I’m still masking when indoors because I know I’m near antivax assholes who are lying to get out of wearing one. Really wish we could make them be the ostracized ones who are forced to mask until they give in and get vaccinated.

Definitely interested to hear how HR handles it at your office, and if this move motivates any of the unvaccinated employees to get their shot.

One thing that’s shocked me is that my company is in zero hurry to have people come back in, especially since the boss was definitely more of a guy who liked to see asses in seats before. Word is they’re definitely gonna require proof of vaccination just to let people in the door.


This is exactly our policy, although we still arent back five days with full offices yet. Think the office 90% vaxxed at this point.

Holy live experiment Batman

The Olympics are an even worse idea this year than every other time.