COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

It was his former club cardiologist. IMO you are reading too much into a paraphrased quote in a layman article. I don’t think there has been much discussion of heart issues from undetected COVID in repeatedly tested subjects, but hard to see how it would anything but a rare lightning strike if it did happen.

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I mean, anything is possible, but the notion that someone could have covid bad enough to be symptomatic but at viral levels too low to detect flies in the face of basic germ theory. It’d be much more likely that he was super unlucky with repeated false negatives rather than an actual sub-detection viral load.

It makes it sound like the mask is a punishment for not getting vaccinated. As opposed to, like, a measure to prevent the spread of a deadly virus.


Yeah hasn’t been discussed in depth but seems like it would be a rare lightning strike if it actually happened (we have no evidence it actually happened).

Most infections require a certain amount of particles in order for the infection to gain a foothold, but how much varies. It’s entirely possible to e.g. inhale a single virus, that may replicate somewhat before getting caught and cleared by the innate immune response. Such a person might technically be infected for a little bit and would test negative and would be asymptomatic, but the functional difference between someone like this and a totally uninfected person is basically zero.

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I haven’t really read much about him, but can someone explain to me why this guy had a cardiologist in the first place? Why would a young healthy guy even need one.

Is it just standard practice for all footballers to have a cardiologist that they see? Was he just a team cardiologist? If he was, I can’t really understand why the cardiologist would see him more than once if it is determined that he has no heart problems. Did he have some underlying condition?

If he was healthy, then I don’t really understand in what capacity this cardiologist was “his cardiologist”?

As part of the health, safety and wellbeing of players, the FA was innovative and a leader in introducing sports cardiology screening 17 years ago. The programme promotes health, care and encourages maximum wellbeing of players.

As part of the FA Medical Education Centre Screening Programme, all scholars are offered the chance to undergo Cardiac Screening. This medical screening programme is funded jointly by the FA and PFA and there is no financial cost to clubs who wish to use this service. We currently look after the majority of all eligible clubs with academies or centres of excellence.

We also look after a large number of senior professional sides. The requirements for senior players have changed. Every player playing in the Premier League or any UEFA competition must have at least one ECG and Echo in their medical folder (FAPL Rule H.11) . It is mandatory for players on international duty to have an annual cardiac assessment.

This involves an Electrocardiogram (ECG) and an Echocardiogram (Echo) and for these tests to be reported on by a Specialist Consultant Cardiologist. We have access to a specialist group of sports cardiologists and all are on the FA panel.

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Federal judge ruled this is America, CDC can’t make cruises out of Florida require vaccination.

First Costco trip since mask restrictions have been dropped in LA. Vast majority of customers still masked - I’d say 95%. Surprised to see several employees unmasked, but maybe at least those people have shown proof of vaccination?

Trader Joes by me was mostly masked on Wednesday, mostly unmasked including most of the employees by Friday. All the Vons, 7-11 and gas station employees are still masked.

Maybe 10% of people masked in the Kroger here in Ohio. I’m thinking of going to the gym for the first time in a year, it’s probably going to kill me.

Lots of unmasked in Minneapolis area, got to be under 50% in the few stores I’ve been in. I’ve been unmasked at work for a couple weeks.

Thanks for the info. I haven’t done a deep dive (or even looked at the link yet), but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that there is almost certainly no evidence behind this recommendation. I’d be very surprised if there was any sort of proven benefit to bolded for young footballers who have no symptoms and one assessment that didn’t find anything.

But I guess perception is everything, so I guess I can see why they chose to do it. The number of Sklansky lives they are saving this is basically zero.

Alough I don’t know about anything that’s been prevented wrt the cardiac Dr’s this happened below…

In March 2012, Muamba suffered a cardiac arrest during a televised FA Cup match between Bolton and Tottenham Hotspur, from which he recovered despite his heart having stopped for 78 minutes. Following medical advice, he announced his retirement from professional football in August 2012. As of September 2018, he is a youth coach at Rochdale.

My first Costco trip since mask restrictions were lifted was very different. Maybe 10% masked?

I think people are really just done with the pandemic here and are taking this opportunity to celebrate our best in the nation status with regard to pretty much any COVID metric.

Once we hit 80% vaccinated, it was like flipping a light switch. I even had an in-person job interview yesterday with no masks.

That’s interesting, but like I said, for annual screening to make sense, we would have to believe that whatever was wrong with him would not have been picked up on the initial screen. Furthermore (and less importantly) it would have to develop slowly enough that it could be caught the next year without killing him first. I ain’t no cardiologist, but it seems damn unlikely.

Also, it didn’t actually kill him, so we can’t even count this as a failure due to lack of screenings (results-oriented, I know, but if a clinical trial were done, that is how it would be counted).

Another consideration (but one I’m unconcerned with for the purposes of this discussion) is how many cardiac screenings are you willing to do to prevent one death. I’m sure that number is high, but it is finite.


Looks like the first regional post vax wave might be coming in Missouri and Arkansas.

Missouri leasing the nation in delta. Cases up 50 percent last week, hospitalizations on the rise again, some of the more rural hospitals supposedly already under strain. Positivity rate 6 percent and rising. I think 43 percent of adults at least one shot.

They will likely have 2x more raw cases than NY this week.

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Yep, new year same shit

same in NYC

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