COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Seems that the decline in covid cases is slowing up. Last week we were at a reproductive rate of 0.66 in the Czech Republic. Now it’s 0.72. The number of new cases per capita is also stagnant over the last few days. But 9 new cases per 100,000 over the past 7 days is pretty impressive compared to where we were before.

To be fair Covid Is only fifth most worrisome disease in that picture.


Second jab day!


Well my house is finally covid free and nobody died and I didn’t get it. Unvaxxed roommate had a fever for over a week but that’s about it. J&J shot roommate had a headache for 2-3 days and is fine. I had never taken a covid test until last week and took a few just to be sure and they weren’t that bad.


Factoring in the unreliability of testing: absolutely.

I think in general, if you’re shedding enough virus to be contagious, you should test positive barring a false negative or faulty sample collection. But I don’t know for sure.

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This is probably answerable. I guess someone motivated could look it up, but I think that the sensitivity of testing is such that it should detect a lower viral load than what is needed to infect someone else. So the answer is probably no.

But this doesn’t have much real world applicability because we can never really know if a negative result is “legit” or not.

According to the news of Aftonbladet newspaper, he suggested that private health companies sell fake PCR tests to approximately 100 thousand people across the country.

In the news, it was claimed that while it was claimed that millions of dollars were stolen, fake negative PCR-tested travel documents were issued at the request of those going abroad.

Prosecutor Alexandra Bittner, who investigated the incident, noted that there was confidentiality in the file and an investigation was initiated against the suspects.

Despite PCR testing in state hospitals and health centers in Sweden, travel documentary is not given. For this reason, those who will go abroad can get a PCR test from private health companies for 150 euros and get a travel document.

I had four and they are unpleasant but after the first time you get used to it.

Like you, nobody died or had any long covid effects in my family. Seven family members had it though.

About the only way this would be is if you have a novel strain with a mutation that impacts one of the binding sites of the RT-PCR primers. Otherwise, if you’re shedding virus, any RT-PCR based test would be sensitive enough to detect it, at least after a few tries to eliminate test operator error.

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If that happened, then I don’t think it meets his definition of “legit” false negative.

Our mass vaccination facility was something to see. It does up to 6,000/day. Ran like a Swiss watch. I was super impressed. I was in and out in under 30 min including the 15 min “are you going to pass out” wait.


I don’t think they jam the thing up into your brain anymore like in the early days. The test I had was a light swab around the inside of both nostrils.

This is true, because no test is 100%. But if you failed multiple independent tests and were contagious, it would almost certainly be due to a mutation that causes escape from the test.

I guess since it’s not super clear just how much of an innoculum it takes for the infection to take hold and how that compares with the amount of viral shedding over the course of an infection. I read the article as being cautious rather than there being substantial evidence of spread from people with multiple negative tests at the time of spread.

Nah pcr testing just isn’t that sensitive. We know that from flu. It’s the gold standard as there’s nothing better to compare it to, but it’s far from perfect

The percentages given there are different things, and I’m pretty sure you can’t compare them against each other like you’re trying.

Today, less, because delta isn’t dominant where you are yet.

Next month tbd on contraction. Outcomes would take my chances with a shot vs delta than no shot vs alpha

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Would still take my chances with the shot but not sure we know enough to answer accurately

I’m saying that I don’t think you can combine the percentages the way you’re describing, or an any other way. Not sure though.