COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Delta makes up about half the new cases in Ontario and the percentage of new cases of Delta goes up each day, but the total number is going down. Ontario is currently 75%/22% vaccinated in terms of 1 dose 2 dose for 18+, but two weeks ago that was around 71%/10%. It certainly seems that one dose does offer a lot of protection against Delta.

edit: clarified that number of new Delta cases has been in decline despite increasing in terms of percentage of overall.

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This was the area around me about 2 weeks ago.

Curious if by July 4th if basically everyone is maskless in your area.

It really was like a switch flipped here.

Well, the 33% number means that 33% of Delta exposures that would result in infection for an unvaccinated person donā€™t with one dose of the vaccine. Overall, Delta is more than 2x as infective as the original, which should roughly mean that at least 50% of the interactions that a Delta-infected person has that do result in infection would not result in infection if they were instead infected with the original strain. So itā€™s probably worse to be exposed to Delta with one dose than to be unvaccinated around the original strain. I think youā€™d be on firmer ground to predict that Delta spreads faster in a population where everyone has a 33% effective vaccination vs OG spreading in an unvaccinated population.

Ive has the same experience. 2 weeks ago was still 80 percent plus masked indoors. Now Iā€™m in a clear minority in a mask. Most of the retail employees now unmasked too.

At least havenā€™t been asked yet why Iā€™m still in a mask. Iā€™m sure it is coming.

I have unmasked at work when only vaccinated coworkers are in the office

US recorded 4,000 new covid cases today and 90 deaths. Lowest number of new cases since March 18, 2020.


My theory is that thereā€™s an inflection point somewhere around 65-75% masked, where the people that just didnā€™t want to completely stand out now feel safe taking theirs off, putting the threshold below where some other people are cool doing it, etc., to the point where finally a bunch of people remove theirs not to stand out the other way.

Like in most places itā€™ll trickle down very slowly from 90% or whatever to what that inflection point is, then plummet to like 20% really quick. It feels like thatā€™s what happened locally by me.

Super sad to see that vaccine rates are increasing very slowly in America. Belgium and Finland have joined Malta and Hungary among EU countries that have vaccinated more people than the US.

Thing is that not every country in Europe is super-keen on vaccines. For every country like Malta where nearly 80% of the population has at least one shot, there are countries like Hungary that have vaccination rates only slightly higher than the US but increasing day-by-day at about the same rate.

Will the same happen to other European countries? So far thatā€™s not the case. Malta went from 67% with at least one shot to 79% in one month. Nearly every other country in the EU has increased at a faster rate. Those that havenā€™t (Romania and Bulgaria) are dealing with inadequate supply and poor rollout.



But I was told itā€™s just like the flu.

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Hey, if anyone was at Publix with me on Saturday afternoon, reduce your ā€œunmaskedā€ count by 1 - I was just running in real quick with my family in the car and forgot my mask. Just count my non-mask as a mask. It felt REALLY weird when I realized I wasnā€™t wearing one.

I continue to wear my mask on the rare occasions when Iā€™m inside a store. But itā€™s down to like 10-15% of people and I have no idea what Iā€™d respond if someone were to ask me why Iā€™m wearing it. The honest answer would be that (given my vaccination status) I donā€™t think itā€™s offering any incremental protection to me or anyone else, but I guess Iā€™m hoping to send a signal that mask wearing is ok to unvaccinated people who might be on the fence? That seems ludicrous, but itā€™s the only rationale I have. At some point, probably when Iā€™m literally the only person wearing one, Iā€™m going to stop.


ā€œIt makes me feel like a ninja.ā€

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Iā€™d say if thatā€™s literally the only reason youā€™re wearing it, itā€™s probably cool to stop now.

1 of my 3 kids is still unvaccinated, so I guess in theory the mask adds >0% protection from my picking up the virus and passing it along to him. But Iā€™m still not really interacting with anyone outside my family in person, at least indoors, so I donā€™t think thereā€™s any practical benefit. Maybe Iā€™m too confident in the vaccineā€™s efficacy.

Iā€™m also happy to see that my general area is around 20 cases per 7 days per 100,000 people, which is incredible considering we were over 10 times that level about 8 months ago.

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Iā€™ve mentioned this before, but weā€™re still wearing ours to set the example for our 9 year old daughter, even though she insists that we (me and mom) donā€™t have to. When sheā€™s vaccinated, weā€™ll likely stop wearing them, barring some significant uptick in cases in the fall.


Oh for sure having an unvaxxed kid in the house is a perfectly cromulent reason to still be better safe than sorry and masking up.

This is literally the only reason I am wearing mine at this point I think. I make my 5 year old and 2 year old wear theirs so imā€™ not going ot be an asshole and not wear mine. But at this point, given the high vaccination rates in NY, and the incredibly low case rates. I think the mask mandate being optional and people who are vaccinated not wearing them is fine. Fuck the unvaccā€™d who donā€™t mask of course.

Yeah, Iā€™m very cognizant of not being incongruent in front of my daughter when it comes to the things Iā€™m telling her to do and the things Iā€™m doing. I wear my life jacket in my boat whether sheā€™s with me or not, for that same reason. I try not to make her do things that I donā€™t do myself.


Shit I was even wearing a mask outside at the park, not only to set an example for my girls, but also because I somehow managed to catch a cold for the first time in a year and a half (presumably from my girls).

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