Despite the tweets tone that’s actually not that much. Quick math says that’s about a 1% increase… and I highly doubt they have the methods to be so confident in that conclusion
In the “good news” department, the 7dma of vaccinations in the US appears to have stabilized somewhat at 2.2 million per day. With 12-15 year olds likely to start getting shots as soon as Friday, that number will probably tick up a bit again. I think things are going to be much much much better in the US this summer then they’ve been since before hte pandemic. Maybe not in states like Mississippi, but in the Northeast and West Coast It htink things could be close to back to normal with masking.
Us 7dma of cases below 40k and down to it’s lowest point since early September. 7dma for deaths at 619, the lowest since July.
I always like when Nazis say they are fighting Nazis.
Did you know that the Nazis were SOCIALISTS! Makes you think.
This is purely speculation but I suspect some parts of America will have a 10-20% vaccination rate while others are gonna be pushing more around 80-90% when this is all said and done. This means that there will be small, localized outbreaks in counties in the undervaccinated areas of America and people will die there. Pretty much, America as a whole will have decided that there is an acceptable number of covid deaths that are worth sacrificing for the ability to eat at Waffle House.
Ahhhh… Now it becomes clearer why I’m so stressed lately wrt Masks & our UK government.
Mississippi is the lowest in the US at 32%. Maybe there are some counties below 20%, but as low as 10% is hard to believe.
I am thinking getting a bunch of “I’m vaxxed” shirts to wear in public to make sure Trumps stay away from me.
I would go with an Irish themed one that says Kiss Me I’m Vaxxed.
Was just looking at Georgia’s vax numbers. Low, as expected (29% fully vaccinated), but I was impressed with the numbers for old people. in the 75-84 years old range, 99.1% have gotten at least one dose. Dips to 93% for those older than that. I don’t see stats by age for those fully vaxxed. So, at least the elderly are getting their shots.
To expand on this, very interesting polling on hesitancy by state:
MS is also the state where the fewest people plan to get vaccinated, with only 52%(!) planning to get the shot. So topping out at 20% seems very unlikely for a community of any size.
The cultural conversation around the vaccination rate is around antivax Trumpers (even though Trump has endorsed the vaccine and got it himself), but the problem we’re facing right now is still supply shortages. This poll is a little out-of-date (late April), but this chart bears some thinking on:
MS is the state with the most antivaxers, but it’s also the state with the highest percentage of Black citizens, and I would wager a lot of money that it’s also the state with the highest percentage of Black citizens below any income threshold you care to name. I’m honestly surprised that the racial-justice angle is getting so little traction, especially now that all the internet-savvy folks have gotten their shots and don’t have any more to benefit from inequitable distribution patterns.
Adding on to this, MS also ranks 50th in the percentage of households with broadband internet access. I think that points to a shift in strategy from “create enough supply and centralized vaccination locations to provide the vaccine to those who will research these locations and travel to them” to “send out remote vaccination stations to the areas where willing people are less likely/able to actively find and travel to a vaccination location”.
Got $250 from my company. Not that I work with the sorts of folks who’d hesitate at all to get a vaccine, but hopefully it pushes any of the few stragglers.
Show this to any male anti-mask or anti-vaxxers
I feel like I should be ponied on this:
Im pretty surprised at how fast non-Trumpster officials are trying to dump the masks, but I do still bet in CA if you go in a grocery store 6/16 it is like 90%+ masks.
He’s just pushing it off to the cities, like all the Republican governors did from the beginning.