COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

It’s Wednesday:

Where are you in the COVID vaccine timeline?
  • Over 2 weeks since second shot.
  • Got second shot less than 2 weeks ago.
  • In between first and second shot.
  • Have appointment for first shot (within a week)
  • Have appointment for first shot (over a week away)
  • Eligible, but unable to find appointment.
  • Still waiting to be declared eligible

0 voters

Right, that’s the only argument presented. Not that a vaccinated person actually needs to wear a mask to materially improve their own safety or anyone else’s. In any case, I do wear a mask at the grocery store because I think it’s still required where I shop? I obviously won’t do it forever, but if that’s the store’s policy then fine. But I’m not going to wear a mask when I’m hanging out with ten people inside a friend’s house, or at the gym, or sitting in a movie theater.

The argument is that we are still vaccinating adults, kids havent been vaccinated yet, and we 1) dont yet have great data on efficacy in an unmasked environment and 2) have high worldwide spread/fairly high overall domestic spread, and reasonably unfettered travel with new variants that we dont have great data for yet. I think when we do have the data the chances are very high that walking around unmasked while vaccinated is low risk.

Given you are vaccinated and in an area of low spread, its likely low risk, and certainly lower risk than unvaccinated people eating in restaurants which has been happening everywhere in the country for months. But the cost of wearing a mask indoors is pretty low and there is tail risk and I view this as less intrusive than allowing the unvaccinated to go unmasked but having to verify vaccination status. So Id hold public indoor mask mandates in place for awhile longer until kids can be vaccinated and cases are low throughout the country (which is what I expect happens in Oregon, MA, etc).


But from a public health perspective, universal mask usage DOES materially improve the safety of the community by not providing cover for murderous morons. That’s why you’ll keep it on for the foreseeable future.

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Yeah pretty much this. I haven’t been sick for over a year, and even my allergies haven’t been near as bad. Of course I wear an N95 for 12 hour shifts, so wearing a cloth or surgical mask outside of my house is hardly noticeable.


That’s the other thing. My county has 7 cases per 100k and restaurants, movie theaters and gyms are packed and have been for months. No one is wearing a mask in restaurants and only a handful at the gym or movie theaters. The vaccine has been available to anyone over 16 for weeks, hell, when I was at the grocery store yesterday there was an announcement that anyone could drop by the pharmacy and get a shot with no appointment. And going from the ridiculous level of risk of where I was going to work every day inside with 30 other people when covid cases were 100-200 a day per 100k for weeks on end to the 10000 fold lower risk of being vaccinated and eating dinner inside with friends or colleagues, it seems ridiculous to avoid social gatherings inside, and equally ridiculous to wear a mask at those gatherings.

We’re rapidly approaching moot territory for these polls, and that is awesome. Looks like every American respondent has had at least one shot? Hopefully we start exporting more so that Canada and the ROW can git r dun.


There’s also a question of just whether we should be wearing masks more regardless of COVID. had a sponsored piece by Harvard Pilgrim today promoting masking long-term. I hadnt thought of it before, but health insurers sort of a natural advocate for mask culture.

Is there really a reason not have masks on public transit going forward? Maybe not by government mandate, but just as a common social courtesy.


WTF happened starting in March in india? Did they open up that much or do they have a more contagious strain? Both? Other factors?

Honestly the bigger mystery is why India didn’t blow up sooner.

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we are going to need a wall on the northern border aren’t we?


We’re very sorry. So so sorry.

Yeah they thought they were immune somehow, went back to full normal, had a bunch of religious festivals. Apparently people from India are not immune.

Shoulda prayed more at the religious festivals IMO.

Yeah, the masks are not made for people with big heads, idk why larger sizes are so hard to find.

Most vaccinated country sees Covid spike

The Seychelles - an island nation in the Indian Ocean - has fully vaccinated more of its population than any other country worldwide.

More than 60% of its 100,000 citizens have had both doses of a jab - the majority of which, Bloomberg reports, were the Chinese-made Sinopharm vaccine, and the rest AstraZeneca.

But the government is now reimposing restrictions to bring the virus back under control amid a surge in cases. The country has recorded around 1,000 active cases, a third of whom have had two vaccine doses.

Schools have been closed and sports activities cancelled for two weeks. Bars, restaurants and shops are to close early and some gatherings have been banned.

All the replies:

Bu, bu, but I already got vaxxed! Where’s my free fuckin ticket? :tired_face: