COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

LOL, OK, well trolled up to here, but you totally gave away the game with this.


I honestly don’t see how you can think that’s not a genuine opinion. You can make masks a political symbol, I suppose, but I want no part of that. I’ll be happy to wear a mask if it is necessary. No one has even attempted to make the case that it is necessary for a vaccinated person to wear a mask or avoid social gatherings in a place with a low density of covid cases.

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You go, girl.

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10 posts were split to a new topic: Snits No One Cares About or Wants To See

So, it’s your Puerto Rico?

Thinking that the mask is not noticeable is an interesting take. It sucks and Im quite pleased I barely have to wear it anymore. A five year old might see me? Sounds like his dads problem to explain, not mine.

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Right now I see myself wearing masks on public transport, grocery stores and on shift, all of which are major changes for me. It was nice not getting sick with anything the last year.


I’m fully vaccinated as of tomorrow. I will wear my mask in my building (elevator and entrance), on public transportation, and anywhere inside in offices, at work, and/or with people I don’t know.

I won’t wear it outside anymore unless it’s a very particular situation of lots of people crowded (concert, protest, etc).

I really don’t think anyone needs to wear masks outside in most cases, but I really wish everyone was more fastidious about it in the indoor settings.


Silver lining of a deadly new COVID variant would be that it could abolish the police for us.

I am pretty sure it has been brought up that in most places where it is impossible to check if someone is vaccinated (eg. stores) even the unvaccinated should wear mask to not give cover to the unvaccinated assholes.


No worries. As we know, 60%+ of cops is just a few bad apples.


Who wants to guess what the #1 cause of death was for police officers last year?


Just another sign how the job attracts deplorables. I’ve known a couple of small town guys that I think are sociopaths.


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Yeah Fort Worth the overwhelming majority people are wearing masks. This is the most conservative big city in Texas.

But apparently masks off is really common in Austin as that city devolves into a shithole.

You are going to be shocked by all the things we do to reduce the risk of fire even though most people have a minuscule chance of their house catching on fire.

It will blow your mind!


You must have lived an extremely cushy life for wearing a mask to bother you that much.

Police just love to PROTECT and SERVE.

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My friend was in Ft Lauderdale this past week and had somebody yell at him “you dont need the mask, this is TRUMP COUNTRY!!”

Broward County, where this happened, voted like 66-33 Biden. Decidedly not “trump country”, but morons gonna moron I guess.