COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Looks like one of those creatures is the result of your staying home for a fucking year.


Only indirectly. All grandSpartans.

Purely recreational activity now. :grin:

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:) I was thinking you were kind of an old dad. Turns out youā€™re a young grand-dad.

Congrats. My kids are 19 and 21 and imagining grand-kids isā€¦veryā€¦weird. Iā€™m going to stop imagining it now.

He has very few advertisers left. Fox makes all its money off cable carriage fees, which are way higher than normal. Thereā€™s a movement to drop fox from cable packages, but itā€™s minor. The gop would go nuts if cable companies dropped fox, and so would many olds, both of which would be bad for cable companies.

I challenge anyone here to watch a full day of Fox News. It is horrifying.

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Every shot in any arm protects everyone else worldwide. One less spreader, one less reservoir from whom a new strain might emerge, one less casualty. Itā€™s much, much worse to waste a shot than to cut in front of someone a bit more deserving.

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Yeah thatā€™s a no from me. Whenever I have a sadistic urge of curiosity I canā€™t last more than a minute. Even more horrifying is there is Newsmax and OAN out there trying to be even harder right propaganda

Which position would that be? My position has always been that weā€™ve been underprioritizing education relative to other things, not that schools are a magic COVID-free zone.


Youā€™ve also carried water for a lot of bad OFS science. You last did this in December in Chapter 7 thread.

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No oneā€™s tried to start a woke TV streaming service as a competitor to stuff like Fubo, Yahoo, and Hulu which leaves off problematic channels like FNC?

That doesnā€™t seem true. Weirdly specific though.

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I watch for hours on end on election days. I interested in how the other side is processing the whole thing.

2020 was great, watching them lamenting the ousting of Trump.

2012 was also great (I think that was when Megyn Kelly did her famous walk back to the decision desk and Rove had his meltdown).

2016 not so much.

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Amazing whatā€™s happening in places like LA and NYC not full of deplorable dipshits.

i used to watch the oreilly factor to ā€œkeep an eye on the other side.ā€ then iā€™d call my gf and vent about all the infuriating shit he said. it was a life leak, and turned me into a rage-aholic. and that was just an hour a day. in the early 2000s!

Covid fatigue is real.

I mean in places with enough critical mass of vaccinations.

But to be fair, also got hit hard earlier so have some built-up immunity there.

Hmmm Iā€™m confused then, because I donā€™t think either of those places are particularly great examples of handling covidā€¦ LA especially

But at the moment cases are plummeting in both places and theyā€™re about to completely open up again. Regardless of how well they handled it - vaccines work. Places with an overabundance of anti-vaxx deplorables like FL arenā€™t doing as well.

Congratulations Alberta
