COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I don’t know if I missed it posted already, but this is huge.

Of course there are ethical questions, and I won’t be upset if kids are low priority.

“I do think we need to have a national and global conversation about the ethics of our vaccinating kids who are low risk for serious complications from the virus when there aren’t enough vaccines in the world to protect high risk adults from dying,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

But I’m still super excited that two of my three kids might be vaccinated in time for fall school.


hey dude if you want to step up and try to make a point feel free. Turns out pre-k kids spread covid, despite your really bad use of science the past few months.

How about we not shit all over the people who are actually doing incredible work figuring this new disease out? kthnxbai

I got my 16 year old vaccinated at first availability, I will do the same with my 12 year old. Maybe I should feel bad about that, but I’m definitely not going to.


My only insight about the paper is that 7 and 6.7 are extremely similar numbers.

It does seem like cassette has the right take though. Prospectively, it’s important for schools to have as good an understanding as they can about how to operate safely in the fall. That’s good!

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I can’t type what should happen to this guy and even more so the Murdochs.

Does Tucker have any normal advertisers or is it just MyPillow guy and Boomer scams? He’s always a fountain of bullshit, but COVID sticking around is big time -EV for rich people’s yacht money and you would think they could get him to STFU about the antivaxxer shit.

He definitely has Gaetzed some teenagers that Tucker has.

The money flows from cable bundles, Fox News is the one thing olds will actually stop paying for if they don’t get their outrage dopamine fix

Fox gets most of its money from subscriptions and Tucker has the highest ratings in cable news.

edit: goddamn it

The sites near me are all begging people to show up. No appointments necessary. If somebody says “unused doses get shipped to India”, then that would be something to consider.


That’s not an insight.

Sure, but the fact that schools likely are spreading covid as a whole is bad and destroys your previous position.

Lol USA 7 mitigation factors in most sckulz.


Look at a long enough timeframe and we get to a detente with the virus. It will eventually drop in severity. The problem is we are selecting hard the other way in the short term.

It’s not a done deal it will continue to mutate in the wrong direction as far as we are concerned but we are doing everything in our power to give the opportunity and to do so.


I bet that 6.7 has a pretty binary distribution of over 8 and under 6 (or less). Assigning each factor “1” is arbitrary.

Me and Bill and Melinda average $45 billion. The median is $45 billion. I’m getting Covid and dying in this equation.

Odds Tuck got vaxxed ASAP? 97%?


Wife of one of my contractors in MS been in hospital last couple weeks with covid, she’s on the mend and should be fine last I heard. Not sure if vaxxed but knowing them, probably not.

Saw my family Saturday night and found out one of my uncles who is in his 70s just got admitted to hospital with covid after apparently refusing to go for a while. Definitely wasn’t vaxxed.

Also my boss last week asked me why I had decided to get the vaxx… “why did you decide to get it, you’re young…”

His wife is crazy anti vaxx. He also claims he prob already had it back in late 2019 when he got sick.


And the reason I stayed home for a fucking year and went to Ohio to get vaxxed


sorry for the blurs but I don’t have ok to post the kids faces


Congrats Dan!! So happy for you right now. Enjoy your visit!


I thought that was a mask on the infant for a second and I was all