COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I love my red headed step child vaccine!


Ya, i feel a bit bad joking on vaccine brands. Hell, i wouldnā€™t be shocked if like 10% of real world pfizer vaccinations are actually ineffective because of strict storage and handling conditions.

well canā€™t give ya an answer, they only looked starting at 14 days.

Pfft, AZ is mainstream. Two shots!

JNJ is the real hipster vaccine.

How would you feel if someone you knew was out of the country and receiving a Chinese or Russian vaccine?

Maybe the blood clots will starve the virus of needed nutrients?

Now that Iā€™m a few days away from two weeks after my second shot, I need to decide if I want to keep my longer hair and what I should ask for in getting a professional to trim it.


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When I got my son tested for COVID yesterday I became the only member of my family to have never been tested. Wife gets tested for work, other kid got tested before surgery. So, I was curious, and I like polls.

Have you ever been tested for an active COVID infection (not antibodies)?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Iā€™d heard reports that the Chinese vaccine has some issues with effectiveness and have no idea about the russian vaccine.

If someone was getting a Chinese vaccine in order to be able to travel to the US, should they get one of the ā€œgoodā€ vaccines once they make it to USA#1?

Is there some kind of point youā€™re making or did you just not get the joke?

Serious question I have for someone in that position.

Havenā€™t kept up with the thread, feel like Iā€™m one of the last few not even eligible for the jab yet.

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If itā€™s been shown to be effective is some minimally reputable way, thatā€™s fine, but itā€™s part of the reason many countries require testing also. Itā€™s a health and diplomatic issue.

Read a story yesterday that like 100 out of 500 travelers from India (to Japan?) who claimed that had been vaccinated [correction, who had tested negative] tested positive at their destination. Offhand Iā€™d say that any vaccine shown to be 60%+ should be fine for international travel, possibly with a test required.

Note that postmates, which Iā€™m using for the first time, screwed up my dinner delivery and i had to spend a half hour dealing with that, so am hangry atm.

edit: found the story

In Hong Kong, authorities implemented a two-week ban on all flights from India on April 18 after authorities detected that over one-third, or 52, of all passengers on an April 3 flight from New Delhi tested positive for COVID-19. All of the travelers submitted negative tests within 72 hours of boarding the plane, meaning that Hong Kong only detected the cases after the passengers arrived in the city.

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Most states are taking all comers now.

Gonna bump this link so you can look for appointments near you. Just go get the shot.

Edit: damn, I donā€™t think this helps with Canadians. Come down to the states and get your shot!

Iā€™m in Canada. My province is at 40+ for one vaccine (I believe AZ) and the heart of downtown and North end at 18+ if you live or work there.

I think weā€™re about 2-3 weeks from the entire city being 18+, but still annoying.

Lol Canada

@CaffeineNeeded , I find that astounding.

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Been lucky, just never got sick.